

python Programming Glossary: leaves

When using os.execlp, why `python` need `python` as argv[0]


the arguments passed to it by the operating system but it leaves off the sys.executable value from that list. In other words..

Writing unicode strings via sys.stdout in Python


the benefit of automatic encoding detection . So that leaves us with sys.stdout . However sys.stdout is so dumb as to not..

Render anti-aliased text on transparent surface in pygame


I can do this Thanks for your answers. My code Currently leaves an ugly purple shadow around text def render_message messages..

django,fastcgi: how to manage a long running process?


and that works fine except for the fact it leaves a defunct entry in the process table. I need a clean solution..

Python memory usage? loading large dictionaries in memory


to be an integer let's assume the id is 7 bytes long that leaves us with an average size of 18 bytes for the word . Does that..

Python module for converting PDF to text


Python 'self' explained


on. That makes methods entirely the same as functions and leaves the actual name to use up to you although self is the convention..

writing to existing workbook using xlwt


it with a new file or save as which writes a new file and leaves the existing file unchanged . I told you this about 12 hours..

variable table name in sqlite


I've been told using string constructors is bad because it leaves me vulnerable to a SQL injection attack. While that isn't a..

How to reliably guess the encoding between MacRoman, CP1252, Latin1, UTF-8, and ASCII


or ISO 8859 1 just detect windows 1252 instead. That now leaves you with only one question. How do you distinguish MacRoman..

Python mechanize login to website


values and submitting the form isn't a problem but that leaves out the action login part. response self.browser.open self.url..

how to sort by length of string followed by alphabetical order?


sort is stable which means that sorting the list by length leaves the elements in alphabetical order when the length is equal...

How do you escape strings for SQLite table/column names in Python?


users from assembling their queries with strings but it leaves me at a loss. What function or technique is most appropriate..

python: Dictionaries of dictionaries merge


dict1 1 a A 2 b B dict2 2 c C 3 d D with A B C and D being leaves of the tree like info1 value info2 value2 There is an unknown.. a directory files structure with nodes being docs and leaves being files. I want to merge them to obtain dict3 1 a A 2 b..

Python: Maximum recursion depth exceeded


give proper overview of the question. Recursion Code def leaves first path if first for elem in first if elem.lower 'someString'.lower.. not in path queryVariable 'title' elem for sublist in leaves returnCategoryQuery categoryQuery variables queryVariable path.append.. depth str depth baseCategoryTree startCategory .append leaves categoryResults except Exception e traceback.print_exc Code..

matplotlib save plot to image file instead of displaying it (so can be used in batch scripts for example)


which could be useful. In addition you'll find that pylab leaves a generous often undesirable whitespace around the image. Remove..

Python Global Interpreter Lock (GIL) workaround on multi-core systems using taskset on Linux?


good design for single core systems Python essentially leaves the thread handling scheduling up to the operating system ...