

python Programming Glossary: leng

Fitting a 3D array of data to a 1D function with numpy or scipy


p3 x p4 #fit function def fit data guess n data.shape 0 leng np.arange n param pcov optimize.curve_fit f leng data guess.. 0 leng np.arange n param pcov optimize.curve_fit f leng data guess return param pcov where data is a threedimensional..

Image embossing in Python with PIL — adding depth, azimuth, etc


grad # getting the unit incident ray gd numpy.cos ele # length of projection of ray on ground plane dx gd numpy.cos azi dy.. dep 100. # finding the unit normal vectors for the image leng numpy.sqrt grad_x 2 grad_y 2 1. uni_x grad_x leng uni_y grad_y.. image leng numpy.sqrt grad_x 2 grad_y 2 1. uni_x grad_x leng uni_y grad_y leng uni_z 1. leng # take the dot product a2 255..

Random strings in Python 2.6 (Is this OK?)


string on my notebook in just about 3 seconds. def rand1 leng nbits leng 6 1 bits random.getrandbits nbits uc u 0x bits newlen.. my notebook in just about 3 seconds. def rand1 leng nbits leng 6 1 bits random.getrandbits nbits uc u 0x bits newlen int len.. newlen int len uc 2 2 # we have to make the string an even length ba bytearray.fromhex uc newlen return base64.urlsafe_b64encode..