

python Programming Glossary: log.error

Logging using multiprocessing


log at any project file. Then I just use log.debug and log.error when needed. It works fine from everywhere on the script different..

Using subprocess.Popen for Process with Large Output


retval p.stdout.read errmess p.stderr.read if errcode log.error 'cmd failed s s' errcode errmess There are comments in the docs..

Logging between classes in python


streamhandler # Test it log.debug Some message log.error An error try something except log.exception An exception occured..

Interoperating with Django/Celery From Java


factory.newConnection mqHost mqPort catch IOException ioe log.error Unable to create new MQ connection from factory. ioe Channel.. channel connection.createChannel catch IOException ioe log.error Unable to create new channel for MQ connection. ioe try channel.queueDeclare.. celery false false false true null catch IOException ioe log.error Unable to declare queue for MQ channel. ioe try channel.exchangeDeclare..