

python Programming Glossary: logging.basicconfig

How to log my traceback error?


import logging LOG_FILENAME ' tmp logging_example.out' logging.basicConfig filename LOG_FILENAME level logging.DEBUG logging.debug 'This..

what is the use of join() in python threading


code is this import threading import time import logging logging.basicConfig level logging.DEBUG format ' threadName 10s message s' def..

How to spawn future only if free worker is available


as IT import logging logger logging.getLogger __name__ logging.basicConfig level logging.DEBUG format ' asctime s threadName s message.. threading import Queue logger logging.getLogger __name__ logging.basicConfig level logging.DEBUG format ' asctime s threadName s message..

How to properly subclass dict and override get/set


your log statement set correctly You might need to put a logging.basicConfig level logging.DEBUG at the top of your script. Second __getitem__..

How to pass SOAP headers into python SUDS that are not defined in WSDL file


xml command you have sent which is handy import logging logging.basicConfig level logging.INFO logging.getLogger 'suds.client' .setLevel..

Outputting data from unit test in python


# etc. self.assertEquals 3.14 pi if __name__ __main__ logging.basicConfig stream sys.stderr logging.getLogger SomeTest.testSomething .setLevel..

TimedRotatingFileHandler Changing File Name?


s asctime s message s' LOGGING_DATE_FORMAT ' Y m d H M S' logging.basicConfig level logging.DEBUG format LOGGING_MSG_FORMAT datefmt LOGGING_DATE_FORMAT..

Python - No handlers could be found for logger “OpenGL.error”


you'll see details of the error in stderr. import logging logging.basicConfig Checkout documentation on logging module to get more config..

Python SocketServer: sending to multiple clients?


'Received message s' message if __name__ '__main__' logging.basicConfig level logging.INFO logging.info 'Creating host' host Host logging.info..

Naming Python loggers


0 . 1 '.format __name__ cls.__name__ ... logged_class Foo logging.basicConfig level logging.DEBUG f Foo INFO __main__.Foo Meh share improve..

Lazy logger message string evaluation


logging module in my python application import logging logging.basicConfig level logging.INFO logger logging.getLogger log while True logger.debug.. 20 Here is a demo that shows this works. import logging logging.basicConfig level logging.INFO logger logging.getLogger log class DoNotStr..

How can I output what SUDs is generating/receiving?


code from suds.client import Client import logging logging.basicConfig level logging.INFO logging.getLogger 'suds.client' .setLevel..

Decorate \ delegate a File object to add functionality


import time import threading LOG_FILENAME 'output.log' logging.basicConfig filename LOG_FILENAME level logging.DEBUG class StreamLogger..

Problem with multi threaded Python app and socket connections


e else info done s hostname finally h.close def main logging.basicConfig level logging.INFO format asctime s msg s info getting hostname..

Using print statements only to debug


first but only use the parts you need. I'd recommend using logging.basicConfig to toggle the logging level to stderr and the simple log methods.. simple log methods debug info warning error and critical . logging.basicConfig stream sys.stderr level logging.DEBUG logging.debug 'A debug..

multiprocessing.Pool - PicklingError: Can't pickle <type 'thread.lock'>: attribute lookup thread.lock failed


logging with filters


... logger.debug another message if __name__ __main__ logging.basicConfig stream sys.stderr level logging.DEBUG #don't want function_a..

Throughput differences when using coroutines vs threading


execute code at a module level put it in main def main logging.basicConfig level logging.INFO format asctime s process d message s q JoinableQueue..