

python Programming Glossary: p.poll

Can you make a python subprocess output stdout and stderr as usual, but also capture the output as a string? [duplicate]


sys.stderr.write 'stderr ' read stderr.append read if p.poll None break print 'program ended' print 'stdout ' .join stdout..

Popen waiting for child process even when the immediate child has terminated


C stdin PIPE stdout PIPE stderr PIPE kwargs assert not p.poll 1 Process Creation Flags for CreateProcess share improve this..

Bypassing buffering of subprocess output with popen in C or Python


None data p.stdout.read 1 sys.stdout.write data p.poll Adjust the path for your operating system. When run in this..

How to determine subprocess.Popen() failed when shell=True


will work although it will be None until you've called p.poll . poll itself will return the error code so you can just do..

Wait the end of subprocesses with multiple parallel jobs


p subprocess.Popen args ps.append p while True ps_status p.poll for p in ps if all x is not None for x in ps_status break is..

Ensuring subprocesses are dead on exiting Python program


... p_sec 0 ... for second in range timeout_sec ... if p.poll None ... time.sleep 1 ... p_sec 1 ... if p_sec timeout_sec..

Python, Popen and select - waiting for a process to terminate or a timeout


stdin subprocess.PIPE time.sleep SECONDS_TO_WAIT retcode p.poll if retcode is not None # process has terminated This will cause.. Edit How about t_nought time.time seconds_passed 0 while p.poll is not None and seconds_passed 10 seconds_passed time.time t_nought..

python: nonblocking subprocess, check stdout


for line in readoutf print line print waiting... r n if p.poll None done True time.sleep 1 output p.communicate 0 print output..