

python Programming Glossary: pcbuild

How can I build my C extensions with MinGW-w64 in Python?


amd64 2.7 Release MyLib.def Lc Python27 libs Lc Python27 PCbuild amd64 lpython27 o build lib.win amd64 2.7 MyLib.pyd build temp.win..

What version of Visual Studio and/or MinGW do I need to build extension modules for a given version of Python?


.NET 4.0 includes the VS 2010 compilers. Update The file PCbuild readme.txt in the source distribution of each version of Python..

django-admin.py: command not found (bluehost server)


.. Lib PC config.log python .hg_archival.txt Mac PCbuild config.status python gdb.py .hgtags Makefile Parser configure..

Wrap C++ lib with Cython


2.6 Release test.o L. LC Python 26 libs LC Python26 PCbuild ltest lpython26 lmsvcr90 o test.pyd g build temp.win32 2.6 Release..

Python: undefined reference to `_imp __Py_InitModule4'


LE code python python py26 libs LE code python python py26 PCbuild lopengl32 lglu32 lpython26_d lmsvcr90 o build lib.win32 2.6..

python pip package install fails , dllwrap error after 'fixing': “unable to find vcvarsall.bat”


Programs x86 Python 2.6 libs Lg Programs x86 Py thon 2.6 PCbuild lpython26 lmsvcr90 o build lib.win32 2.6 twisted protocols _c_urlarg.pyd.. Lg Programs x86 Python 2.6 libs Lg Programs x86 Python 2.6 PCbuild lpython26 lmsvcr90 o build lib.win32 2.6 twisted protocols _c_u..