

python Programming Glossary: s_

Python's unittest and dynamic creation of test cases [duplicate]


curtest 'episodenumber' setattr self 'test_ s_ 02d' category testindex thetest ..which creates all the methods..

Making various groupings


pair in grid #Filename from date filename connection_grid_ s_ s.csv date with open filename w as fp writer csv.writer fp writer.writerow..

What is the equivalent of CPython string concatenation, in C++? [duplicate]


v return stream.str class StringBuilder private string s_ template class Type static string fastStringFrom Type const.. template class Type StringBuilder operator Type const v s_ fastStringFrom v return this string const str const return.. v return this string const str const return s_ char const cStr const return s_.c_str operator string const..

Writing a re-usable (parametrized) unittest.TestCase method [duplicate]


function value value function self value name test s_ d key 9 i 1 test_function.__name__ name setattr cls name test_function..

Speeding up a closest point on a hyperbolic paraboloid algorithm


these two equations where a p1 p0 b p3 p0 c p2 p3 p1 p0 s_ s p0 p_ p p0 u p_ v b a v c a v c 2 v p_ u a b u c b u c 2 You..

django auto filling some data based on model attribute


User null True blank True related_name app_label s_ class s_y content_type models.ForeignKey ContentType object_id.. User null True blank True related_name app_label s_ class s_y content_type models.ForeignKey ContentType object_id models.PositiveIntegerField.. False unique_for_year True content models.TextField is_active models.BooleanField published_at models.DateTimeField..

Write text file to pipeline


spider_opened self spider self.aWriter csv.writer open '.. s_ s.txt' spider.name datetime.now .strftime Y m d_ H M S 'wb'.. 'upromise' in spider.name self.cWriter csv.writer open '.. s_coupons_ s.txt' spider.name datetime.now .strftime Y m d_ H M.. in spider.name self.cWriter csv.writer open '.. s_coupons_ s.txt' spider.name datetime.now .strftime Y m d_ H M S 'wb'..

How do I add a link from the Django admin page of one object to the admin page of a related object?


admin page I changed part of fieldset.html from if field.is_readonly p field.contents p else field.field endif to if field.is_readonly.. p field.contents p else field.field endif to if field.is_readonly p field.contents p else ifequal field.field.name blog.. app or instance._meta.app_label reverse_path admin s_ s_change app_name reverse_name link_obj getattr instance field..