

python Programming Glossary: sys.stdin.readline

Can select() be used with files in Python under Windows?


client elif s sys.stdin # handle standard input junk sys.stdin.readline running 0 else # handle all other sockets data s.recv size if..

keep multiple cmd windows open from batch


to exit #NOTE to avoid raw_input input py3k shenanigans sys.stdin.readline It supports as many scripts with their arguments as you can..

Getting another program's output as input on the fly


something using printf and python_program.py reads using sys.stdin.readline I'd like to make the python_program.py process c_program's output..

Missing Term Arithmetic Progression - Clean up my code


input from STDIN. Print output to STDOUT import sys N int sys.stdin.readline stringdata sys.stdin.readline array stringdata.split ' ' diff1.. to STDOUT import sys N int sys.stdin.readline stringdata sys.stdin.readline array stringdata.split ' ' diff1 0 N 1 diff2 0 N 2 index 0 diff..

Why does `a == b or c or d` always evaluate to True? [duplicate]


users. import sys print Hello. Please enter your name name sys.stdin.readline .strip if name Kevin or Jon or Inbar print Access granted. else..

How to capture Python interpreter's and/or CMD.EXE's output from a Python script?


do something like this import sys x sys.stderr.readline y sys.stdin.readline sys.stdin and sys.stdout are standard file objects as noted..

raw_input and timeout


something rlist _ _ select sys.stdin timeout if rlist s sys.stdin.readline print s else print No input. Moving on... share improve this..

How to send an e-mail from a Python script that is being run on “Google App Engine”?


To ' ' print Enter message end with ^D msg '' while 1 line sys.stdin.readline if not line break msg msg line # The actual mail send server..

Setting smaller buffer size for sys.stdin?


by this option. To work around this you will want to use sys.stdin.readline inside a while 1 loop. Beyond this altering the buffering for..

Linux: Pipe into Python (ncurses) script, stdin and termios


3 # usr bin env python import sys os import curses output sys.stdin.readline 100 # We're finished with stdin. Duplicate inherited fd 3 #..

Is there a Python library than can simulate network traffic from different addresses


Okay SYN sent. Enter the sniffed sequence number now seq sys.stdin.readline print Okay using sequence number seq seq int seq 1 p2 IP dst..

Is there any way to pass 'stdin' as an argument to another process in python?


1 main myscript.py def get_input while True text sys.stdin.readline print hello text time.sleep 3 if __name__ '__main__' p1 Process.. like this myscript.py def get_input while True text sys.stdin.readline print hello text time.sleep 3 def do_more_things while True..

Thread synchronization, Python


self.cmd_event.clear self.cmdLock.acquire cmd sys.stdin.readline if cmd continue if cmd close n print Server shutting down..... applied to the above will work here also try send_data sys.stdin.readline if send_data continue else for c in clients c.client.send.. self.clientSocketLock.acquire try send_data sys.stdin.readline if send_data close n print Disconnecting... self.client_running..