

python Programming Glossary: scrolledtext

Python, Tkinter, Scrollbar and Text Field


same parent . It's also worth mentioning that there is the ScrolledText module renamed tkinter.scrolledtext in Python3 . It contains.. in Python3 . It contains a class that is also called ScrolledText which is a compound widget Text Scrollbar . # Python 2.7 import.. Text Scrollbar . # Python 2.7 import Tkinter as tki from ScrolledText import ScrolledText class App object def __init__ self self.root..

File Dialog in Tkinter Python 3?


tkinter.simpledialog tkFont tkinter.font Tkdnd tkinter.dnd ScrolledText tkinter.scrolledtext Tix tkinter.tix ttk tkinter.ttk I advise..

Tkinter: Wait for item in queue


import Tkinter as Tk import Tkconstants as TkConst from ScrolledText import ScrolledText from tkFont import Font global top global.. Tk import Tkconstants as TkConst from ScrolledText import ScrolledText from tkFont import Font global top global dataQ global scrText.. maxsize 0 f Font family 'Courier New' size 12 scrText ScrolledText master top height 20 width 120 font f scrText.pack fill TkConst.BOTH..