

python Programming Glossary: self.send_response

Multithreaded web server in python


RequestHandler SimpleHTTPRequestHandler def do_GET self self.send_response 200 self.send_header 'Content type' 'text plain' sleep 5 response.. class Handler BaseHTTPRequestHandler def do_GET self self.send_response 200 self.end_headers message threading.currentThread .getName..

Slow Python HTTP server on localhost


def do_GET self print Just received a GET request self.send_response 200 self.send_header Content type text html self.end_headers..

File Sharing Site in Python


with open 'test.py' as f data f.read # send the headers self.send_response 200 self.send_header 'Content type' 'application octet stream'..

Why does a background task block the response in SimpleHTTPServer?


def do_GET self out StringIO self.send_response 200 self.send_header Content type text html if self.path ' '..

How do I write a python HTTP server to listen on multiple ports?


class Handler BaseHTTPRequestHandler def do_GET self self.send_response 200 self.send_header Content type text plain self.end_headers..

How to run Python CGI script


parsed_url.path config_path config read_config if config self.send_response 200 self.end_headers self.wfile.write config else self.send_error.. except Exception as e print e self.send_error 500 else self.send_response 200 self.end_headers self.wfile.write OK return except KeyError..

Strange JQuery Error “code 501, message Unsupported method OPTIONS”


MyHandler BaseHTTPRequestHandler def do_OPTIONS self self.send_response 200 ok self.send_header 'Access Control Allow Origin' ' ' .. Control Allow Headers X Requested With def do_GET self self.send_response 200 self.send_header 'Access Control Allow Origin' ' ' self.send_header..