

python Programming Glossary: self.y

Accessing class variables from a list comprehension in the class definition


to create an instance variable instead def __init__ self self.y self.x for i in range 1 and avoid all the head scratching and..

Purpose of Python's __repr__


example class Point ... def __init__ self x y ... self.x self.y x y ... def __repr__ self ... return 'Point x s y s ' self.x..

Is there a way to circumvent Python list.append() becoming progressively slower in a loop as the list grows?


import time import gc class A def __init__ self self.x 1 self.y 2 self.why 'no reason' def time_to_append size append_list item_gen..

Is there a matplotlib equivalent of MATLAB's datacursormode?


self.annotation ax.annotate self.text_template xy self.x self.y xytext self.xoffset self.yoffset textcoords 'offset points'.. self.text_template xy self.x self.y xytext self.xoffset self.yoffset textcoords 'offset points' ha 'right' va 'bottom' bbox.. event # xdata ydata event.artist.get_data # self.x self.y xdata event.ind ydata event.ind self.x self.y event.mouseevent.xdata..

Try/catch or validation for speed?


Vector class class Vector def __init__ self x y z self.x x self.y y self.z z def __add__ self other try return Vector self.x other.x.. z def __add__ self other try return Vector self.x other.x self.y other.y self.z other.z except AttributeError return Vector self.x.. other.z except AttributeError return Vector self.x other self.y other self.z other I'm currently using the try...except method...

Why do you need explicitly have the “self” argument into a Python method?


this class MyClass object def __init__ self x y self.x x self.y y But in some other languages such as C# you have a reference..