

python Programming Glossary: sheer

plotting correlation matrix using python


Why aren't “and” and “or” operators in Python?


don't appear in the list of python operators . Just out of sheer curiosity why is this And if they aren't operators what exactly..

How could I check if a number is a perfect square? [duplicate]


Why tuple is faster than list?


and that discrepancy can be explained by the tuple's sheer simplicity which other answers have mentioned repeatedly. But..

Why is equivalent Python code so much slower


of the next Ruby generation so much improved in area of sheer speed python ruby python 3.x share improve this question..

How does python close files that have been gc'ed?


file will close f open 'somefile.txt' del f Just out of sheer curiosity how does this work I notice that file doesn't include..

Is there an interactive graphing library for python


it's too slow and takes too much memory and because of the sheer number of vertices it becomes a tangled mess. python graph..