

python Programming Glossary: shelve

Best way to store a large python dictionary in a file


do this python python 2.7 share improve this question shelve will give you access to each item separately instead of requiring..

Comparing persistent storage solutions in python


started looking at see this post pyTables ZopeDB shove shelve redis durus Any suggestions on which of these might be better..

Reliable and efficient key--value database for Linux?


pytc solution. It's very fast a bit faster than using the shelve module using anydbm in my implementation both for reading and..

How can I save all the variables in the current python session?


python saving share improve this question If you use shelve you do not have to remember the order in which the objects are.. remember the order in which the objects are pickled since shelve gives you a dictionary like object To shelve your work import.. pickled since shelve gives you a dictionary like object To shelve your work import shelve T 'Hiya' val 1 2 3 filename ' tmp shelve.out'..

Python shelve module question


shelve module question Does the Python shelve module have any protection.. shelve module question Does the Python shelve module have any protection built in to make sure two processes.. aren't writing to a file at the same time python shelve share improve this question The shelve module uses an underlying..

Python multiprocessing: sharing a large read-only object between processes?


memcached might be a better solution and file on disk shelve or dbm might be even better. In this question I was particularly..

marshal dumps faster, cPickle loads faster


objects through RPC calls see the modules pickle and shelve. The marshal module exists mainly to support reading and writing..