

python Programming Glossary: site.select

Crawling LinkedIn while authenticated with Scrapy


li' items for site in sites item LinkedPyItem item 'title' site.select 'h2 a text ' .extract item 'link' site.select 'h2 a @href' .extract.. item 'title' site.select 'h2 a text ' .extract item 'link' site.select 'h2 a @href' .extract items.append item return items The issue..

Scrapy Modify Link to include Domain Name


Name I have an item item 'link' of this form item 'link' site.select 'div 2 div h3 a @href' .extract The links it extracts are of.. for you. item 'link' 'http www.youtube.com s' a for a in site.select 'div 2 div h3 a @href' .extract share improve this answer..

Scrapy Crawl URLs in Order


' items for site in sites item MlboddsItem item 'header' site.select ' div @class scoreboard bar h2 span position 1 text ' .extract.. position 2 tr th @colspan 2 text ' .extract item 'game1' site.select ' table position 1 tr td @class tbl odds c2 text table position..

convert list to string to insert into my sql in one row in python scrapy


passwd dreamriks db scraped_data cur con.cursor quest site.select ' h2' .extract ans site.select ' h3' .extract meta site.select.. cur con.cursor quest site.select ' h2' .extract ans site.select ' h3' .extract meta site.select ' meta' .extract cur.execute.. ' h2' .extract ans site.select ' h3' .extract meta site.select ' meta' .extract cur.execute Insert into scraped_data h2 h3..