

python Programming Glossary: soappy

How can I consume a WSDL (SOAP) web service in Python?


Python. I have looked at the Dive Into Python code but the SOAPpy module does not work under Python 2.5. I have tried using suds..

Python Web Services


I'm not sure about an accepted standard but I've found SOAPpy to be fairly straight forward and useful library for handling.. through and example on their site for getting started with SOAPpy. SOAPpy's no longer under active development but is instead.. and example on their site for getting started with SOAPpy. SOAPpy's no longer under active development but is instead being folded..

Can't call a webservice method using SOAPpy


call a webservice method using SOAPpy I am trying to call a webservice using SOAPpy from SOAPpy import.. using SOAPpy I am trying to call a webservice using SOAPpy from SOAPpy import SOAPProxy url 'http www.webservicex.net WeatherForecast.asmx'.. SOAPpy I am trying to call a webservice using SOAPpy from SOAPpy import SOAPProxy url 'http www.webservicex.net WeatherForecast.asmx'..

What is the current choice for doing RPC in Python?


jsonrpc rpcbd Ladon jsonrpc2 zeromq python WAMP SOAP ZSI SOAPpy Ladon Spyne XML RPC based frameworks XMLRPC using the xmlrpclib..

What's the best SOAP client library for Python, and where is the documentation for it? [closed]


to use and development is slow. Has a module called SOAPpy which is different than SOAPy above . Newer libraries SUDS Very.. a web2py server integration that ships with web2py. SOAPpy Distinct from the abandoned SOAPpy that's hosted at the ZSI.. that ships with web2py. SOAPpy Distinct from the abandoned SOAPpy that's hosted at the ZSI link above this version was actually..

Python: How can I use Twisted as the transport for SUDS?


the support for SOAP in Twisted still relies on SOAPpy which is badly out of date. In fact as of this question I just.. really do much. It's about 20 lines of code that glues SOAPpy to twisted.web.client.getPage . That is it's hooking SOAPpy.. to twisted.web.client.getPage . That is it's hooking SOAPpy in to Twisted in just the way I described above. Ideally SUDS..

Generating a WSDL using Python and SOAPpy


a WSDL using Python and SOAPpy First of all I will admit I am a novice to web services although.. value. Here's some example code # usr bin python import SOAPpy import MySQLdb def getNEXTVAL cursor db.cursor cursor.execute.. host localhost user myuser passwd db testing server SOAPpy.SOAPServer 8080 server.registerFunction getNEXTVAL..