

python Programming Glossary: trunk

How can I profile a SQLAlchemy powered application?


around http www.sqlalchemy.org trac browser sqlalchemy trunk test aaa_profiling . There we have tests using decorators that..

How do I stop getting ImportError: Could not import settings 'mofin.settings' when using django with wsgi?


import os import sys sys.path.append ' home django mofin trunk' sys.path.append ' home django mofin trunk mofin' print sys.stderr.. django mofin trunk' sys.path.append ' home django mofin trunk mofin' print sys.stderr sys.path os.environ 'DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'.. lib python2.5 site packages gtk 2.0' ' home django mofin trunk' ' home django mofin trunk mofin' if I open an interactive shell..

How to serialize db.Model objects to json?


code.google.com p google app engine samples source browse trunk geochat json.py r 55 import datetime import time from google.appengine.api..

Installing scipy with pip


uses SVN pip install svn http svn.scipy.org svn scipy trunk #egg scipy Update 12 2012 pip install git http github.com scipy..

Simple implementation of N-Gram, tf-idf and Cosine similarity in Python


with NLTK use FreqDist http nltk.googlecode.com svn trunk doc book ch01.html#frequency_distribution_index_term if you..

How do I find the location of Python module sources?


NLTK and language detection


demo file http code.google.com p nltk source browse trunk nltk_contrib nltk_contrib misc langid.py share improve this..

Natural/Relative days in Python


more or less what you want. Currently it's only in their trunk though not in the latest public release version 0.9.4 . Once..

Details how python garbage collection works


to the collect function at http svn.python.org view python trunk Modules gcmodule.c revision 81029 view markup and the comments..

enable pretty printing for gdb in eclipse cdt


printers by executing svn co svn gcc.gnu.org svn gcc trunk libstdc v3 python in a directory of your choice i.e. HOME distribs..

Django vs other Python web frameworks?


means you won't have to worry about working out of the trunk to get the latest features you need. Coming to the future more..

Construct a tree from list os file paths (Python) - Performance dependent


dir3 file5''' FILE_MARKER ' files ' def attach branch trunk ''' Insert a branch of directories on its trunk. ''' parts branch.split.. branch trunk ''' Insert a branch of directories on its trunk. ''' parts branch.split ' ' 1 if len parts 1 # branch is a file.. parts branch.split ' ' 1 if len parts 1 # branch is a file trunk FILE_MARKER .append parts 0 else node others parts if node not..

Finding the source code for built-in Python functions? [duplicate]


be found in the Objects sub directory of the Python source trunk . For example see here for the implementation of the enumerate..