

python Programming Glossary: ttl

Obtain MAC Address from Devices using Python


84 bytes of data. 64 bytes from icmp_seq 1 ttl 64 time 1.25 ms ^C 13 40 jsmith@undertow arp n ether fe fd 61 6b 8a 0f C eth0 Knowing that you do a little subprocess magic otherwise you're writing ARP cache checking..

Animated title in matplotlib


plt.plot np.sin vls ax plt.axes ax.set_xlim 0 2 2 np.pi #ttl ax.set_title '' animated True ttl ax.text .5 1.005 '' transform.. ax.set_xlim 0 2 2 np.pi #ttl ax.set_title '' animated True ttl ax.text .5 1.005 '' transform ax.transAxes def init ttl.set_text.. ttl ax.text .5 1.005 '' transform ax.transAxes def init ttl.set_text '' img.set_data 0 0 return img ttl def func n ttl.set_text..

Packet sniffing in Python (Windows)


' n x00 x01 x1c' dst ' n x00 x01 x10' sum 39799 len 60 p 1 ttl 128 id 35102 data ICMP sum 24667 type 8 data Echo id 512 seq.. ' n x00 x01 x10' dst ' n x00 x01 x1c' sum 43697 len 60 p 1 ttl 255 id 64227 data ICMP sum 26715 data Echo id 512 seq 60160..

Python-Scapy or the like-How can I create an HTTP GET request at the packet level


IP version 4L ihl 5L tos 0x0 len 44 id 424 flags frag 0L ttl 55 proto tcp chksum 0x2caa src dst

How to calculate a packet checksum without sending it?


ICMP from scapy.layers.inet import TCP target ttl 64 id 32711 sport 2927 dport 80 pak IP dst target src sport 2927 dport 80 pak IP dst target src ttl ttl flags DF id id len 1200 chksum 0 TCP flags S sport sport.. sport 2927 dport 80 pak IP dst target src ttl ttl flags DF id id len 1200 chksum 0 TCP flags S sport sport dport..