

python Programming Glossary: y_min

plot decision boundary matplotlib


in 2dimensional np.array x_min x_max X 0 .min 1 X 0 .max 1 y_min y_max X 1 .min 1 X 1 .max 1 xx yy np.meshgrid np.arange x_min.. 1 xx yy np.meshgrid np.arange x_min x_max h np.arange y_min y_max h # here model is your model's prediction classification..

Fastest way to list all primes below N in python


1 1 1 8 if n 12 7 m n 1 sieve m not sieve m n d x_max y_min x2 xd int 2 sqrt 4 8 1 end 4 1 0 3 for x in xrange 1 x_max 1.. end 4 1 0 3 for x in xrange 1 x_max 1 x2 xd xd 6 if x2 end y_min int ceil sqrt x2 end 1 1 2 1 n n_diff x x x 1 1 x 1 1 2 1 for.. 1 2 1 n n_diff x x x 1 1 x 1 1 2 1 for d in xrange n_diff y_min 8 if n 12 11 m n 1 sieve m not sieve m n d primes 2 3 if end..

Rasterizing a GDAL layer


0 source_srs source_layer.GetSpatialRef x_min x_max y_min y_max source_layer.GetExtent # Create a field in the source.. source x_res int x_max x_min pixel_size y_res int y_max y_min pixel_size target_ds gdal.GetDriverByName 'GTiff' .Create 'test.tif'..