

python Programming Glossary: yticks

Barchart with vertical labels in python/matplotlib


something like this from matplotlib import plot xrange 10 yticks xrange 10 rotation 'vertical' In general to show any text in.. options you can look at help matplotlib.pyplot.text The yticks function plots the ticks on the y axis I am not sure whether..

Setting the size of the plotting canvas in Matplotlib


xinch yinch ax plt.axes 0. 0. 1. 1. frameon False xticks yticks ax.imshow img interpolation 'none' plt.savefig 'D mpl_logo.png'.. yinch .8 ax plt.axes 0. 0. 1. .8 frameon False xticks yticks ax.imshow img interpolation 'none' ax.set_title 'Matplotlib..

matplotlib: format axis offset-values to whole numbers or specific number


xticks locs map lambda x g x locs # ytikcs locs labels yticks yticks locs map lambda x .1f x locs 1e9 ylabel 'microseconds.. locs map lambda x g x locs # ytikcs locs labels yticks yticks locs map lambda x .1f x locs 1e9 ylabel 'microseconds 1E 9 '.. adding its text to the top of the plot locs labels yticks yticks locs map lambda x .1f x locs 1e9 text 0.0 1.01 '1e 9'..