

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:11:00

android Programming Glossary: calldatahelper

How to implement a ContentObserver for call logs


extends ListActivity private SQLiteDatabase db private CallDataHelper dh null StringBuilder sb new StringBuilder OpenHelper openHelper.. null null android.provider.CallLog.Calls.DATE DESC dh new CallDataHelper this db openHelper.getWritableDatabase startManagingCursor cursor.. current_time currTime values.put cont 1 this.db.insert CallDataHelper.TABLE_NAME null values Toast.makeText getBaseContext Inserted..

Android error - close() was never explicitly called on database


118 12 16 17 24 50.886 ERROR Database 10982 at com.psyhclo.CallDataHelper. init CallDataHelper.java 27 12 16 17 24 50.886 ERROR Database.. ERROR Database 10982 at com.psyhclo.CallDataHelper. init CallDataHelper.java 27 12 16 17 24 50.886 ERROR Database 10982 at com.psyhclo.RatedCalls.fillList.. handler new Handler private SQLiteDatabase db private CallDataHelper cdh StringBuilder sb new StringBuilder OpenHelper openHelper..

How to implement a ContentObserver for call logs


and everything else that is needed. public class RatedCalls extends ListActivity private SQLiteDatabase db private CallDataHelper dh null StringBuilder sb new StringBuilder OpenHelper openHelper new OpenHelper RatedCalls.this public void onCreate Bundle.. .query android.provider.CallLog.Calls.CONTENT_URI null null null android.provider.CallLog.Calls.DATE DESC dh new CallDataHelper this db openHelper.getWritableDatabase startManagingCursor cursor int numberColumnId cursor.getColumnIndex android.provider.CallLog.Calls.NUMBER.. duration duration values.put date callDate values.put current_time currTime values.put cont 1 this.db.insert CallDataHelper.TABLE_NAME null values Toast.makeText getBaseContext Inserted Toast.LENGTH_LONG callList.add Contact Number contactNumber..

Android error - close() was never explicitly called on database


SQLiteOpenHelper.java 118 12 16 17 24 50.886 ERROR Database 10982 at com.psyhclo.CallDataHelper. init CallDataHelper.java 27 12 16 17 24 50.886 ERROR Database 10982 at com.psyhclo.RatedCalls.fillList RatedCalls.java.. SQLiteOpenHelper.java 118 12 16 17 24 50.886 ERROR Database 10982 at com.psyhclo.CallDataHelper. init CallDataHelper.java 27 12 16 17 24 50.886 ERROR Database 10982 at com.psyhclo.RatedCalls.fillList RatedCalls.java 66 12 16 17 24 50.886.. static final String LOG_TAG RATEDCALLSOBSERVER private Handler handler new Handler private SQLiteDatabase db private CallDataHelper cdh StringBuilder sb new StringBuilder OpenHelper openHelper new OpenHelper RatedCalls.this @Override public void onCreate..