

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:11:01

android Programming Glossary: calllog.calls.number

Delete call log in android for particular number


number. try String strNumberOne number Cursor cursor getContentResolver .query CallLog.Calls.CONTENT_URI null CallLog.Calls.NUMBER strNumberOne boolean bol cursor.moveToFirst if bol do int idOfRowToDelete cursor.getInt cursor.getColumnIndex CallLog.Calls._ID..

android adding number to Call logs


insertPlaceholderCall ContentResolver contentResolver String number ContentValues values new ContentValues values.put CallLog.Calls.NUMBER number values.put CallLog.Calls.DATE System.currentTimeMillis values.put CallLog.Calls.DURATION 0 values.put CallLog.Calls.TYPE..

I want read call logs in the android [duplicate]


return false public void logCallLog long dialed String columns new String CallLog.Calls._ID CallLog.Calls.NUMBER CallLog.Calls.DATE CallLog.Calls.DURATION CallLog.Calls.TYPE Cursor c c getContentResolver .query Uri.parse content call_log..

Android: get call history of contact


super.onCreate savedInstanceState this.setContentView R.layout.main String projection new String CallLog.Calls._ID CallLog.Calls.NUMBER Cursor query this.managedQuery CallLog.Calls.CONTENT_URI projection null null null ListAdapter adapter new SimpleCursorAdapter..

How do I access call log for android?


content call_log calls Cursor c managedQuery allCalls null null null null String num c.getString c.getColumnIndex CallLog.Calls.NUMBER for number String name c.getString c.getColumnIndex CallLog.Calls.CACHED_NAME for name String duration c.getString c.getColumnIndex..