

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:11:02

android Programming Glossary: camcorderprofile.quality_high

How can I capture a video recording on Android?


recorder.setVideoSource MediaRecorder.VideoSource.DEFAULT CamcorderProfile cpHigh CamcorderProfile .get CamcorderProfile.QUALITY_HIGH recorder.setProfile cpHigh recorder.setOutputFile sdcard videocapture_example.mp4 recorder.setMaxDuration 50000 50 seconds..

CamcorderProfile.QUALITY_HIGH resolution produces green flickering video


resolution produces green flickering video I haven't found any explanation for this so far. Basically I have a video recording.. is set to 720 x 480 on my Samsung Galaxy S2. I want it to record in the highest possible resolution so using CamcorderProfile.QUALITY_HIGH I can get the various highest quality recording properties and set them within my class. This works for file format video.. mediarecorder.setVideoSize 1920 1080 although this will now also work mediarecorder.setProfile CamcorderProfile.get CamcorderProfile.QUALITY_HIGH The latter seems to have a video bitrate of 20Mb s so you might want to take that down a bit I found that I didn't have..

Android Camera Server Died and Camera ERROR 100


mrec.setAudioSource MediaRecorder.AudioSource.MIC mrec.setProfile CamcorderProfile.get CamcorderProfile.QUALITY_HIGH mrec.setOutputFile sdcard zzzz.3gp mrec.prepare mrec.start Here are the logcat errors 12 27 17 52 02.788 W IMediaDeathNotifier..

Error opening android camera for streaming video


recorder.setVideoSource MediaRecorder.VideoSource.CAMERA recorder.setProfile CamcorderProfile.get CamcorderProfile.QUALITY_HIGH pfd ParcelFileDescriptor.fromSocket socket recorder.setOutputFile pfd.getFileDescriptor recorder.setPreviewDisplay cameraPreview.getHolder..