

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:13:27

android Programming Glossary: failonerror

Changing application package name in custom Ant build step


resource.package.file.name echo exec executable aapt failonerror true arg value package arg value f arg value auto add overlay..

Custom Android build.xml for rename manifest package


from the resources... echo exec executable aapt failonerror true arg value package arg line v.option arg value m arg value.. to the aapt executable like this exec executable aapt failonerror true arg value package arg value f arg value v arg value version..

Compile with Proguard gives SimException UNEXPECTED TOP-LEVEL EXCEPTION


... echo if condition debug then apply executable dx failonerror true parallel true arg value dex arg value output intermediate.dex.file.. external libs apply then else apply executable dx failonerror true parallel true arg value dex arg value output intermediate.dex.file..

Documentation for aapt element in Ant script


the following which seems to work exec executable aapt failonerror true arg value package arg value f arg value v arg value M arg..

Android NDK build with ANT script


target name pre build exec executable ndk.dir ndk build failonerror true target target name clean depends android_rules.clean exec.. android_rules.clean exec executable ndk.dir ndk build failonerror true arg value clean exec target Then you can set ndk.dir to.. 'ant clean' will clean your native code. Updated Added failonerror true to the exec tasks this causes ant to abort if the make..

Android signing with ANT


name verbose sequential exec executable jarsigner failonerror true magic key always verbose arg line verbose digestalg SHA1..

How can I change the application package name for an Android app via command line


of a rename manifest package option. exec executable aapt failonerror true arg value package arg value f arg value auto add overlay..

Changing application package name in custom Ant build step


AndroidManifest.xml to package.manifest.name out.absolute.dir resource.package.file.name echo exec executable aapt failonerror true arg value package arg value f arg value auto add overlay arg value M arg path AndroidManifest.xml arg value S arg path..

Custom Android build.xml for rename manifest package


name resource src depends dirs echo Generating R.java Manifest.java from the resources... echo exec executable aapt failonerror true arg value package arg line v.option arg value m arg value J arg path gen.absolute.dir arg value M arg path AndroidManifest.xml.. the aaptexec ant task. It is an option that needs to go straight to the aapt executable like this exec executable aapt failonerror true arg value package arg value f arg value v arg value version code arg value version.code arg value debug mode arg value..

Compile with Proguard gives SimException UNEXPECTED TOP-LEVEL EXCEPTION


files and external libraries into intermediate.dex.file ... echo if condition debug then apply executable dx failonerror true parallel true arg value dex arg value output intermediate.dex.file extra parameters arg line verbose.option arg.. out.dex.input.absolute.dir path refid out.dex.jar.input.ref external libs apply then else apply executable dx failonerror true parallel true arg value dex arg value output intermediate.dex.file arg value no locals otherwise dex fails on the..

Documentation for aapt element in Ant script


this question I couldn't find anything and ended up using the following which seems to work exec executable aapt failonerror true arg value package arg value f arg value v arg value M arg path AndroidManifest.xml arg value A arg path assets arg..

Android NDK build with ANT script


question Call ndk build from your pre build target like this target name pre build exec executable ndk.dir ndk build failonerror true target target name clean depends android_rules.clean exec executable ndk.dir ndk build failonerror true arg value clean.. ndk build failonerror true target target name clean depends android_rules.clean exec executable ndk.dir ndk build failonerror true arg value clean exec target Then you can set ndk.dir to point at the NDK directory from your local.properties file.. ant will build your native code automatically. Plus running 'ant clean' will clean your native code. Updated Added failonerror true to the exec tasks this causes ant to abort if the make fails. Without it it'll just go right ahead and generate an..

Android signing with ANT


name storepass attribute name alias attribute name keypass attribute name verbose sequential exec executable jarsigner failonerror true magic key always verbose arg line verbose digestalg SHA1 sigalg MD5withRSA arg line keystore @ keystore storepass..

How can I change the application package name for an Android app via command line


aapt task in build.xml package resources with the addition of a rename manifest package option. exec executable aapt failonerror true arg value package arg value f arg value auto add overlay arg value M arg path basedir AndroidManifest.xml arg..