

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:13:33

android Programming Glossary: fillafter

Complete Working Sample of the Gmail Three-Fragment Animation Scenario?


and move the view and not pseudo scale move .Notice that fillAfter true is not used anywhere. View2 is right_of View1 and View3..

Show DialogFragment with animation growing from a point


1.0 android fromYScale 0.0 android toYScale 1.0 android fillAfter false android startOffset 200 android duration 200 android pivotX.. 0.0 android fromYScale 1.0 android toYScale 0.0 android fillAfter false android duration 200 android pivotX 50 android pivotY..

How can I animate a view in Android and have it stay in the new position/size?


Android Animation - Flip


1.0 android fromYScale 1.0 android toYScale 0.0 android fillAfter false android duration 200 translate android fromYDelta 0 android.. 1.0 android fromYScale 0.0 android toYScale 1.0 android fillAfter false android startOffset 200 android duration 200 translate.. 1.0 android toYScale 0.0 android pivotY 50 android fillAfter false android duration 200 grow_from_middle.xml xml version..

Rotate View Hierarchy 90 degrees


pivotX 50 android pivotY 50 android duration 0 android fillAfter true rotate Then in your Activity's onCreate do @Override public..

Can I change the Android startActivity() transition animation?


android http schemas.android.com apk res android android fillAfter true alpha android fromAlpha 1.0 android toAlpha 0.0 android.. android http schemas.android.com apk res android android fillAfter true alpha android fromAlpha 0.0 android toAlpha 1.0 android..

android circular gallery?


apk res android android shareInterpolator false android fillAfter true scale android fromXScale 1.0 android toXScale 1.50 android.. duration 600 android pivotX 50 android pivotY 50 android fillAfter true set Do remember that you will have to store the previous..

translate animation


achieve what you want in a simple way by adding android fillAfter true to your translate tag. Just bear in mind that the image..

Android change layout dynamically


Complete Working Sample of the Gmail Three-Fragment Animation Scenario?


of in post Scale and Translate animations actually resize and move the view and not pseudo scale move .Notice that fillAfter true is not used anywhere. View2 is right_of View1 and View3 is right_of View2 Having set these rules RelativeLayout takes..

Show DialogFragment with animation growing from a point


linear_interpolator android fromXScale 0.0 android toXScale 1.0 android fromYScale 0.0 android toYScale 1.0 android fillAfter false android startOffset 200 android duration 200 android pivotX 50 android pivotY 90 translate android fromYDelta 50.. linear_interpolator android fromXScale 1.0 android toXScale 0.0 android fromYScale 1.0 android toYScale 0.0 android fillAfter false android duration 200 android pivotX 50 android pivotY 90 translate android fromYDelta 0 android toYDelta 50 android..

How can I animate a view in Android and have it stay in the new position/size?


Android Animation - Flip


linear_interpolator android fromXScale 1.0 android toXScale 1.0 android fromYScale 1.0 android toYScale 0.0 android fillAfter false android duration 200 translate android fromYDelta 0 android toYDelta 50 android duration 200 set grow_from_middle.xml.. linear_interpolator android fromXScale 1.0 android toXScale 1.0 android fromYScale 0.0 android toYScale 1.0 android fillAfter false android startOffset 200 android duration 200 translate android fromYDelta 50 android toYDelta 0 android startOffset.. android fromXScale 1.0 android toXScale 1.0 android fromYScale 1.0 android toYScale 0.0 android pivotY 50 android fillAfter false android duration 200 grow_from_middle.xml xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 scale xmlns android http schemas.android.com..

Rotate View Hierarchy 90 degrees


res android android fromDegrees 0 android toDegrees 90 android pivotX 50 android pivotY 50 android duration 0 android fillAfter true rotate Then in your Activity's onCreate do @Override public void onCreate Bundle icicle super.onCreate icicle setContentView..

Can I change the Android startActivity() transition animation?


run another animation. See this code fadein.xml set xmlns android http schemas.android.com apk res android android fillAfter true alpha android fromAlpha 1.0 android toAlpha 0.0 android duration 500 Time in milliseconds set In your finish class.. ll.clearAnimation ll.startAnimation a fadeout.xml set xmlns android http schemas.android.com apk res android android fillAfter true alpha android fromAlpha 0.0 android toAlpha 1.0 android duration 500 set In your new Activity class you create a similiar..

android circular gallery?


1.0 encoding utf 8 set xmlns android http schemas.android.com apk res android android shareInterpolator false android fillAfter true scale android fromXScale 1.0 android toXScale 1.50 android fromYScale 1.0 android toYScale 1.50 android duration 600.. 1.50 android fromYScale 1.0 android toYScale 1.50 android duration 600 android pivotX 50 android pivotY 50 android fillAfter true set Do remember that you will have to store the previous view as when the element is move away from center it should..

translate animation


point because it never actually left it. That said you can achieve what you want in a simple way by adding android fillAfter true to your translate tag. Just bear in mind that the image hasn't really moved. If you need to update your layout at animation..

Android change layout dynamically
