

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:13:34

android Programming Glossary: filterable

Extending ArrayAdapter in android


import android.widget.Filter import android.widget.Filterable public class CustomAdapter T extends ArrayAdapter T implements.. class CustomAdapter T extends ArrayAdapter T implements Filterable private ArrayList T mOriginalValues private List T mObjects..

How to filter ListView using getFilter() in BaseAdapter


public class SearchAdapter extends BaseAdapter implements Filterable Context context LayoutInflater inflater Button btn View vw ArrayList.. help you in the Main_Activity EditText etSearch BaseAdapterFilterable adapter etSearch.addTextChangedListener new TextWatcher @Override..

How to implement search in CustomListView based on class item of POJO class in Android?


improve this question You want your adapter to implement Filterable . Then override getFilter to perform the search @Override public..

How to use search functionality in custom list view in Android


public class MyAdapter extends BaseAdapter implements Filterable private ArrayList Product mOriginalValues Original Values private..

How to implement getfilter() with custom adapter that extends baseadapter


import android.widget.Filter import android.widget.Filterable import android.widget.ImageView import android.widget.TextView.. In your PromotionListAdapter you'll need to implement the Filterable interface then Override the getFilter method to return a new.. class PromotionListAdapter extends BaseAdapter implements Filterable private Activity activity private static LayoutInflater inflater..

List View Filter Android


filter to your custom BaseAdapter you ll need to implement Filterable interface. class CustomAdapter extends BaseAdapter implements.. class CustomAdapter extends BaseAdapter implements Filterable public View getView ... public Integer getCount ... @Override..

Android: what does “setTextFilterEnabled” method do?


Android How do i overwrite the filter for my ArrayAdapter?


ResultsAdapter extends ArrayAdapter SearchItem implements Filterable public ArrayList SearchItem subItems public ArrayList SearchItem..

How to write a custom filter for ListView with ArrayAdapter


GI Value i.getGlycaemicIndex return v Implementing the Filterable interface. public Filter getFilter if filter null filter new.. Value i.getGlycaemicIndex return v Implementing the Filterable interface. public Filter getFilter if filter null filter..

I have a ListView using a custom ArrayList adapter - what's the best way to implement filtering ? Anyone have a example code to study?


The Android developer docs talk about implementing a Filterable interface. Does anyone have any advice and or sample code on..

Using Cursor with ListView adapter for a large amount of data


implements OnClickListener SectionIndexer Filterable android.widget.AdapterView.OnItemClickListener private Context..

ViewHolder pattern correctly implemented in custom CursorAdapter?


public class TasksAdapter extends CursorAdapter implements Filterable private final Context context public TasksAdapter Context context..

How do I Use AutoCompleteTextView and populate it with data from a web API?


AutoCompleteAdapter extends ArrayAdapter Style implements Filterable private ArrayList Style mData public AutoCompleteAdapter Context..

Custom expandable list view with child search filter


Editable s TODO Auto generated method stub Filterable ListAdapter Adapter .getFilter .filter edit.getText .toString.. ListAdapter extends BaseExpandableListAdapter implements Filterable public void notifyDataSetInvalidated super.notifyDataSetInvalidated..

Filtering ListView with custom (object) adapter


class EfficientAdapter extends BaseAdapter implements Filterable private LayoutInflater mInflater public EfficientAdapter Context..

List Filter Custom Adapter dont give result


share improve this question You need to implement Filterable to your Adapter Class and Override getFilter Checkout this complete.. public class MyAdapter extends BaseAdapter implements Filterable List String arrayList List String mOriginalValues Original..

Extending ArrayAdapter in android


import android.util.Log import android.widget.ArrayAdapter import android.widget.Filter import android.widget.Filterable public class CustomAdapter T extends ArrayAdapter T implements Filterable private ArrayList T mOriginalValues private List.. android.widget.Filter import android.widget.Filterable public class CustomAdapter T extends ArrayAdapter T implements Filterable private ArrayList T mOriginalValues private List T mObjects private CustomFilter mFilter private final Object mLock new..

How to filter ListView using getFilter() in BaseAdapter


Auto generated method stub The code of BaseAdapter class public class SearchAdapter extends BaseAdapter implements Filterable Context context LayoutInflater inflater Button btn View vw ArrayList String list new ArrayList String public SearchAdapter.. share improve this question i hope this example could help you in the Main_Activity EditText etSearch BaseAdapterFilterable adapter etSearch.addTextChangedListener new TextWatcher @Override public void onTextChanged CharSequence s int start int..

How to implement search in CustomListView based on class item of POJO class in Android?


android android listview share improve this question You want your adapter to implement Filterable . Then override getFilter to perform the search @Override public Filter getFilter return new Filter @Override protected..

How to use search functionality in custom list view in Android


mProductArrayList lvProducts.setAdapter adapter1 Adapter Class public class MyAdapter extends BaseAdapter implements Filterable private ArrayList Product mOriginalValues Original Values private ArrayList Product mDisplayedValues Values to be displayed..

How to implement getfilter() with custom adapter that extends baseadapter


import android.view.ViewGroup import android.widget.BaseAdapter import android.widget.Filter import android.widget.Filterable import android.widget.ImageView import android.widget.TextView public class PromotionListAdapter extends BaseAdapter private.. and the publishResults CharSequence FilterResults method. In your PromotionListAdapter you'll need to implement the Filterable interface then Override the getFilter method to return a new Filter that has these methods implemented. The performFiltering.. you started. I've commented above important lines. public class PromotionListAdapter extends BaseAdapter implements Filterable private Activity activity private static LayoutInflater inflater null public ImageLoader imageLoader Two data sources the..

List View Filter Android


method apply filter to your listview's adapter. EDIT To get filter to your custom BaseAdapter you ll need to implement Filterable interface. class CustomAdapter extends BaseAdapter implements Filterable public View getView ... public Integer getCount.. custom BaseAdapter you ll need to implement Filterable interface. class CustomAdapter extends BaseAdapter implements Filterable public View getView ... public Integer getCount ... @Override public Filter getFilter Filter filter new Filter @SuppressWarnings..

Android: what does “setTextFilterEnabled” method do?


Android How do i overwrite the filter for my ArrayAdapter?


help me. package com.ntu.rosemobile.searchlist public class ResultsAdapter extends ArrayAdapter SearchItem implements Filterable public ArrayList SearchItem subItems public ArrayList SearchItem allItems private LayoutInflater inflater private PTypeFilter..

How to write a custom filter for ListView with ArrayAdapter


null tt.setText Name i.getName if bt null bt.setText GI Value i.getGlycaemicIndex return v Implementing the Filterable interface. public Filter getFilter if filter null filter new GlycaemicIndexItemFilter return filter Custom Filter implementation.. tt.setText Name i.getName if bt null bt.setText GI Value i.getGlycaemicIndex return v Implementing the Filterable interface. public Filter getFilter if filter null filter new GlycaemicIndexItemFilter return filter Custom Filter..

I have a ListView using a custom ArrayList adapter - what's the best way to implement filtering ? Anyone have a example code to study?


says it all. I have seen examples implementing a custom Filter. The Android developer docs talk about implementing a Filterable interface. Does anyone have any advice and or sample code on the best way to implement filtering in a ListView android..

Using Cursor with ListView adapter for a large amount of data


tnx. public class CustomCursorAdapter extends SimpleCursorAdapter implements OnClickListener SectionIndexer Filterable android.widget.AdapterView.OnItemClickListener private Context context private int layout private AlphabetIndexer alphaIndexer..

ViewHolder pattern correctly implemented in custom CursorAdapter?


in custom CursorAdapter Here is my custom CursorAdapter public class TasksAdapter extends CursorAdapter implements Filterable private final Context context public TasksAdapter Context context Cursor c super context c this.context context @see android.widget.CursorAdapter#newView..

How do I Use AutoCompleteTextView and populate it with data from a web API?


adapter AutoCompleteAdapter.java public class AutoCompleteAdapter extends ArrayAdapter Style implements Filterable private ArrayList Style mData public AutoCompleteAdapter Context context int textViewResourceId super context textViewResourceId..

Custom expandable list view with child search filter


s int start int before int count public void afterTextChanged Editable s TODO Auto generated method stub Filterable ListAdapter Adapter .getFilter .filter edit.getText .toString public class ListAdapter extends BaseExpandableListAdapter.. .getFilter .filter edit.getText .toString public class ListAdapter extends BaseExpandableListAdapter implements Filterable public void notifyDataSetInvalidated super.notifyDataSetInvalidated public Filter getFilter if filter null filter new..

Filtering ListView with custom (object) adapter


null private EditText SearchText null private static class EfficientAdapter extends BaseAdapter implements Filterable private LayoutInflater mInflater public EfficientAdapter Context context mInflater LayoutInflater.from context public int..

List Filter Custom Adapter dont give result


names.get position return rowView plz help me out.... android share improve this question You need to implement Filterable to your Adapter Class and Override getFilter Checkout this complete example for Filtering custom Adapter. UPDATE public.. iPhone list.add Windows XP return list Adapter Class public class MyAdapter extends BaseAdapter implements Filterable List String arrayList List String mOriginalValues Original Values LayoutInflater inflater public MyAdapter Context context..