

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:13:33

android Programming Glossary: filldata

How to (properly) transition from startManagingCursor to CursorLoader?


update my code to use the new CursorLoader . private void fillData Cursor notesCursor mDbHelper.fetchAllNotes startManagingCursor..

Using MatrixCursor and SimpleCursorAdapter in a ListView with text and images


using a MatrixCursor to populate my ListView private void fillData String menuCols new String icon item price int to new int R.id.icon..

Android: Changing an ImageView src depending on database field data


notepad entry. The code in my .java file is private void fillData Cursor notesCursor mDbHelper.fetchAllNotes notesCursor mDbHelper.fetchAllNotes..

RuntimeException: Your content must have a ListView whose id attribute is 'android.R.id.list'


setContentView R.layout.newslist mDbHelper.open fillData private void fillData Bundle extras getIntent .getExtras long.. R.layout.newslist mDbHelper.open fillData private void fillData Bundle extras getIntent .getExtras long catID extras.getLong..

keeping a variable value across all android activities


dbHelper new OverLimitDbAdapter this dbHelper.open fillData registerForContextMenu getListView @Override protected void.. super.onActivityResult requestCode resultCode intent fillData private void fillData cursor dbHelper.fetchAllUserDrinks startManagingCursor.. requestCode resultCode intent fillData private void fillData cursor dbHelper.fetchAllUserDrinks startManagingCursor cursor..

how to implement TimeChart in achartengine with android


new TimeSeries test mDataset.addSeries time_series fillData mChartView ChartFactory.getTimeChartView this mDataset mRenderer.. mRenderer H mm ss layout.addView mChartView private void fillData long value new Date .getTime 3 TimeChart.DAY for int i 0 i 100..

How to (properly) transition from startManagingCursor to CursorLoader?


says that startManagingCursor is deprecated . I need help to update my code to use the new CursorLoader . private void fillData Cursor notesCursor mDbHelper.fetchAllNotes startManagingCursor notesCursor NoteAdapter notes new NoteAdapter this R.layout.notes_row..

Using MatrixCursor and SimpleCursorAdapter in a ListView with text and images


in a ListView with text and images I'm having an issue using a MatrixCursor to populate my ListView private void fillData String menuCols new String icon item price int to new int R.id.icon R.id.item R.id.price MatrixCursor menuCursor new MatrixCursor..

Android: Changing an ImageView src depending on database field data


. I'd like this image to appear in the List view before each notepad entry. The code in my .java file is private void fillData Cursor notesCursor mDbHelper.fetchAllNotes notesCursor mDbHelper.fetchAllNotes startManagingCursor notesCursor String from..

RuntimeException: Your content must have a ListView whose id attribute is 'android.R.id.list'


onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.newslist mDbHelper.open fillData private void fillData Bundle extras getIntent .getExtras long catID extras.getLong cat_id Cursor c mDbHelper.fetchNews catID.. super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.newslist mDbHelper.open fillData private void fillData Bundle extras getIntent .getExtras long catID extras.getLong cat_id Cursor c mDbHelper.fetchNews catID startManagingCursor..

keeping a variable value across all android activities


savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main this.getListView dbHelper new OverLimitDbAdapter this dbHelper.open fillData registerForContextMenu getListView @Override protected void onActivityResult int requestCode int resultCode Intent intent.. onActivityResult int requestCode int resultCode Intent intent super.onActivityResult requestCode resultCode intent fillData private void fillData cursor dbHelper.fetchAllUserDrinks startManagingCursor cursor cursor.getCount String from new String.. requestCode int resultCode Intent intent super.onActivityResult requestCode resultCode intent fillData private void fillData cursor dbHelper.fetchAllUserDrinks startManagingCursor cursor cursor.getCount String from new String OverLimitDbAdapter.KEY_USERNAME..

how to implement TimeChart in achartengine with android


20 mRenderer.setPanEnabled true time_series new TimeSeries test mDataset.addSeries time_series fillData mChartView ChartFactory.getTimeChartView this mDataset mRenderer H mm ss layout.addView mChartView private void fillData.. mChartView ChartFactory.getTimeChartView this mDataset mRenderer H mm ss layout.addView mChartView private void fillData long value new Date .getTime 3 TimeChart.DAY for int i 0 i 100 i time_series.add new Date value i TimeChart.DAY 4 i I..