

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:17:45

android Programming Glossary: layout_y

checkbox unchecked when i scroll listview in android


android textSize 12sp android layout_x 211px android layout_y 13px EditText CheckBox android id @ id chkbox1 android layout_width..

Android Drag and drop images on the Screen?


android src @drawable image ImageView ImageView android layout_y 30dip android layout_x 118dip android layout_width 50sp android..

Any way to support samsung galaxy s4 using compatible screen sizes


Android — How to position View off-screen?


fill_parent android layout_height wrap_content android layout_y 50dp ImageView AbsoluteLayout Animation xml version 1.0 encoding..

Android: Change absolute position of a view programmatically


give the childViews the tag android layout_x and android layout_y to set their absolute position within the AbsoluteLayout . However.. is my XML which works fine when I set the layout_x and layout_y values xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 AbsoluteLayout xmlns android.. android layout_height 945px android layout_x 0px android layout_y 0px Button android id @ id myButton1 android text 23 android..

Drag and drop images in android


android src @drawable ball ImageView ImageView android layout_y 30dip android layout_x 118dip android layout_width 50sp android..

How to handle different sizes of screen on android


android layout_height 21px android layout_x 105px android layout_y 179px android text Username android textSize 18sp android textStyle.. layout_height wrap_content android layout_x 74px android layout_y 206px android textSize 12sp TextView android id @ id pass android.. layout_height wrap_content android layout_x 105px android layout_y 252px android text Password android textSize 18sp android textStyle..

Inflate a view / layout into another layout?


fill_parent android layout_height wrap_content android layout_y 100dip android gravity center android layout_gravity center..

Drag and drop a view


layout_height match_parent android layout_x 4dp android layout_y 2dp AbsoluteLayout android id @ id ll android layout_width match_parent.. layout_height wrap_content android layout_x 84dp android layout_y 90dp android background @null android text B android textColor..

checkbox unchecked when i scroll listview in android


android layout_width 120px android layout_height wrap_content android textSize 12sp android layout_x 211px android layout_y 13px EditText CheckBox android id @ id chkbox1 android layout_width wrap_content android layout_height wrap_content LinearLayout..

Android Drag and drop images on the Screen?


50sp android layout_height 50sp android id @ id image android src @drawable image ImageView ImageView android layout_y 30dip android layout_x 118dip android layout_width 50sp android layout_height 50sp android id @ id image1 android src @drawable..

Any way to support samsung galaxy s4 using compatible screen sizes


Android — How to position View off-screen?


id Clip android background @drawable clip android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height wrap_content android layout_y 50dp ImageView AbsoluteLayout Animation xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 set xmlns android http schemas.android.com apk res..

Android: Change absolute position of a view programmatically


but it was the only way to solve my problem you can give the childViews the tag android layout_x and android layout_y to set their absolute position within the AbsoluteLayout . However I don't want to set these information in the xml because.. on the View like view.setLayoutX int x or something. Here is my XML which works fine when I set the layout_x and layout_y values xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 AbsoluteLayout xmlns android http schemas.android.com apk res android android id @.. android src @drawable myImageView android layout_width 1298px android layout_height 945px android layout_x 0px android layout_y 0px Button android id @ id myButton1 android text 23 android layout_width wrap_content android layout_height wrap_content..

Drag and drop images in android


50sp android layout_height 50sp android id @ id ball android src @drawable ball ImageView ImageView android layout_y 30dip android layout_x 118dip android layout_width 50sp android layout_height 50sp android id @ id ball1 android src @drawable..

How to handle different sizes of screen on android


android id @ id usrname android layout_width wrap_content android layout_height 21px android layout_x 105px android layout_y 179px android text Username android textSize 18sp android textStyle bold EditText android id @ id usrname_text android layout_width.. id @ id usrname_text android layout_width 161px android layout_height wrap_content android layout_x 74px android layout_y 206px android textSize 12sp TextView android id @ id pass android layout_width wrap_content android layout_height wrap_content.. id @ id pass android layout_width wrap_content android layout_height wrap_content android layout_x 105px android layout_y 252px android text Password android textSize 18sp android textStyle bold TextView EditText android id @ id pass_text android..

Inflate a view / layout into another layout?


gravity center TextView TableLayout android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height wrap_content android layout_y 100dip android gravity center android layout_gravity center TableRow android gravity center android layout_gravity center..

Drag and drop a view


id @ id scrollView1 android layout_width match_parent android layout_height match_parent android layout_x 4dp android layout_y 2dp AbsoluteLayout android id @ id ll android layout_width match_parent android layout_height match_parent This button i.. id @ id button2 android layout_width wrap_content android layout_height wrap_content android layout_x 84dp android layout_y 90dp android background @null android text B android textColor #000000 android textSize 35dp android textStyle bold android..