

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:17:46

android Programming Glossary: ld

How to link any library in ndk application


apps ndk_demo project Application.mk all other folder jni ndk_demo.c stackoverflow.h lib com_marakana.. make APP ndk_demo it shows me error like Android NDK Building for application 'ndk_demo' make No rule to make target `build.. for application 'ndk_demo' make No rule to make target `build core ndk_demo.c' needed by `out apps ndk_demo armeabi objs ndk_demo..

Want to compile native Android binary I can run in terminal on the phone


tried to download source for it but I'm not sure how to build a library from it it's all ARM assembly it seems . Is it true.. my ARM binaries with newlib at all. I am forcing GCC ld to link directly to the libc provided with the Android NDK or.. improve this question Just use the android ndk. And build a Android.mk like so. include BUILD_EXECUTABLE is what tells..

arm-linux-androideabi-gcc is unable to create an executable - compile ffmpeg for android armeabi devices


I am following tutorial by roman10.net His given build script builds ffmpeg for armv7 a devices. I want to build it.. tutorial by roman10.net His given build script builds ffmpeg for armv7 a devices. I want to build it for armeabi... script builds ffmpeg for armv7 a devices. I want to build it for armeabi. My ultimate aim is to run ffmpeg commands on..

Android valgrind build fails


valgrind build fails Hello I'm trying to build valgrind for android arm. On.. valgrind build fails Hello I'm trying to build valgrind for android arm. On Linux Mint 13 it fails with make.. r8e and valgrind 3.8.1. The configure ends with Maximum build arch arm Primary build arch arm Secondary build arch Build..

Preventing functions from being stripped from a static library when linked into a shared library?


with Wl no whole archive after specifying your library or ld will continue the behavior for any other static libraries it.. which is likely not the behavior you want. See also the ld 1 man page on a Linux system. Another way to accomplish the..

How do you to retrieve dimensions of a view? Getheight() and Getwidth() always return zero


I format the grid dynamically or usie an xml version. Could someone please tell how to retrieve the dimensions for a view.. @Override public void onGlobalLayout LayerDrawable ld LayerDrawable tv.getBackground ld.setLayerInset 1 0 tv.getHeight.. LayerDrawable ld LayerDrawable tv.getBackground ld.setLayerInset 1 0 tv.getHeight 2 0 0 ViewTreeObserver obs tv.getViewTreeObserver..

Multi-gradient shapes


use this as a standard Drawable. Edit Here's how you could use this in your scenario. Let's say you have a Button defined.. the colors that you need. Basically in my example you would start with a light green fade to white slightly before the center.. idea that works haha. Right now it works in XML but should be doable for shapes in Java as well. It's kind of complex and..

When Can I First Measure a View?


seems to be the closest I can get though. Where should I put code such as the below so that the background changes.. tv TextView findViewById R.id.image_test LayerDrawable ld LayerDrawable tv.getBackground int height tv.getHeight when.. when to call this so as not to get 0 int topInset height 2 ld.setLayerInset 1 0 topInset 0 0 tv.setBackgroundDrawable ld ..

What optimizations can I expect from Dalvik and the Android toolchain?


to do the same for Java Android. Hence this question. I could find very little about this topic on the web. Will the Java.. of the object can easily be deduced by the compiler Should I declare methods as final or static wherever possible Common.. elimination. For example if I access someObject.someField twice will the lookup be done only once What if it's a call..

“Undefined reference” when accessing my shared library using JNI


Undefined reference&rdquo when accessing my shared library.. accessing my shared library using JNI I'm trying to build a version of Botan library for cryptographic algorithms using.. to ` Botan LibraryInitializer deinitialize ' collect2 ld returned 1 exit status make home fensta workspace Example obj..

Can't create shared library with static inside


int mean int int Then I create make file and build archive .a file called Test_Archive.a using following make file.. .so file the following error occurs why .. .. ndk build Compile thumb Test_Library Test_Library.c SharedLibrary libTest_Library.so.. jni OSTX_Library.c 6 undefined reference to mean' collect2 ld returned 1 exit status make home android ndk r5b Fido ProjectOSTX..

How to link any library in ndk application


#include 'stackoverflow.h' Edit inside `android ndk r7c` apps ndk_demo project Application.mk all other folder jni ndk_demo.c stackoverflow.h lib com_marakana Android.mk _NativeLib.h Android.mk libstackoverflow.a.. call my dir Now from android ndk r7c directory i run make APP ndk_demo it shows me error like Android NDK Building for application 'ndk_demo' make No rule to make target `build core ndk_demo.c' needed by `out apps ndk_demo armeabi objs.. APP ndk_demo it shows me error like Android NDK Building for application 'ndk_demo' make No rule to make target `build core ndk_demo.c' needed by `out apps ndk_demo armeabi objs ndk_demo ndk_demo.o'. Stop. why this happening i am not getting..

Want to compile native Android binary I can run in terminal on the phone


work. I read that Android uses the Bionic C library and tried to download source for it but I'm not sure how to build a library from it it's all ARM assembly it seems . Is it true that the Android C library on the phone is different from.. I also compiled GCC with newlib but I am not actually linking my ARM binaries with newlib at all. I am forcing GCC ld to link directly to the libc provided with the Android NDK or in the case of dynamic binaries to the libc on the phone... the libc on the phone. android c gcc android ndk arm share improve this question Just use the android ndk. And build a Android.mk like so. include BUILD_EXECUTABLE is what tells it build a executable instead of a JNI .lib Android.mk ifneq..

arm-linux-androideabi-gcc is unable to create an executable - compile ffmpeg for android armeabi devices


I am trying to compile ffmpeg for android armeabi devices. I am following tutorial by roman10.net His given build script builds ffmpeg for armv7 a devices. I want to build it for armeabi. My ultimate aim is to run ffmpeg commands on android.. trying to compile ffmpeg for android armeabi devices. I am following tutorial by roman10.net His given build script builds ffmpeg for armv7 a devices. I want to build it for armeabi. My ultimate aim is to run ffmpeg commands on android armeabi.. devices. I am following tutorial by roman10.net His given build script builds ffmpeg for armv7 a devices. I want to build it for armeabi. My ultimate aim is to run ffmpeg commands on android armeabi and armv7 a devices. So i change the script's..

Android valgrind build fails


valgrind build fails Hello I'm trying to build valgrind for android arm. On Linux Mint 13 it fails with make echo # This is a generated.. valgrind build fails Hello I'm trying to build valgrind for android arm. On Linux Mint 13 it fails with make echo # This is a generated file composed of the following.. valgrind valgrind 3.8.1' make all Error 2 I am using ndk r8e and valgrind 3.8.1. The configure ends with Maximum build arch arm Primary build arch arm Secondary build arch Build OS linux Primary build target ARM_LINUX Secondary build target..

Preventing functions from being stripped from a static library when linked into a shared library?


gcc link line with Wl whole archive . You need to follow it with Wl no whole archive after specifying your library or ld will continue the behavior for any other static libraries it encounters which is likely not the behavior you want. See also.. the behavior for any other static libraries it encounters which is likely not the behavior you want. See also the ld 1 man page on a Linux system. Another way to accomplish the same thing is to output a single massive .o file instead of..

How do you to retrieve dimensions of a view? Getheight() and Getwidth() always return zero


getheight and getwidth always return 0. This happens when I format the grid dynamically or usie an xml version. Could someone please tell how to retrieve the dimensions for a view Here is my test program I used in Debug to check the results.. vto.addOnGlobalLayoutListener new OnGlobalLayoutListener @Override public void onGlobalLayout LayerDrawable ld LayerDrawable tv.getBackground ld.setLayerInset 1 0 tv.getHeight 2 0 0 ViewTreeObserver obs tv.getViewTreeObserver if Build.VERSION.SDK_INT.. new OnGlobalLayoutListener @Override public void onGlobalLayout LayerDrawable ld LayerDrawable tv.getBackground ld.setLayerInset 1 0 tv.getHeight 2 0 0 ViewTreeObserver obs tv.getViewTreeObserver if Build.VERSION.SDK_INT Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN..

Multi-gradient shapes


stops are positioned from 0 to 1 . You can then as stated just use this as a standard Drawable. Edit Here's how you could use this in your scenario. Let's say you have a Button defined in XML like so Button android id @ id thebutton android layout_width.. code from my head but basically just replace or add stops for the colors that you need. Basically in my example you would start with a light green fade to white slightly before the center to give a fade rather than a harsh transition fade from.. to the bottom of the button. Edit Okay so I have one more idea that works haha. Right now it works in XML but should be doable for shapes in Java as well. It's kind of complex and I imagine there's a way to simplify it into a single shape..

When Can I First Measure a View?


it from onCreate or onResume because getHeight returns 0. onResume seems to be the closest I can get though. Where should I put code such as the below so that the background changes upon display to the user TextView tv TextView findViewById R.id.image_test.. that the background changes upon display to the user TextView tv TextView findViewById R.id.image_test LayerDrawable ld LayerDrawable tv.getBackground int height tv.getHeight when to call this so as not to get 0 int topInset height 2 ld.setLayerInset.. ld LayerDrawable tv.getBackground int height tv.getHeight when to call this so as not to get 0 int topInset height 2 ld.setLayerInset 1 0 topInset 0 0 tv.setBackgroundDrawable ld android layout height android lifecycle share improve this..

What optimizations can I expect from Dalvik and the Android toolchain?


what the compiler will and won't do for me. I'm trying to do the same for Java Android. Hence this question. I could find very little about this topic on the web. Will the Java compiler Dalvik converter dx and or JITter on Android 2.2 perform.. of other classes static methods What if the runtime type of the object can easily be deduced by the compiler Should I declare methods as final or static wherever possible Common subexpression elimination. For example if I access someObject.someField.. as final or static wherever possible Common subexpression elimination. For example if I access someObject.someField twice will the lookup be done only once What if it's a call to a getter What if I use some arithmetic expression twice will..

“Undefined reference” when accessing my shared library using JNI


Undefined reference&rdquo when accessing my shared library using JNI I'm trying to build a version of Botan library.. Undefined reference&rdquo when accessing my shared library using JNI I'm trying to build a version of Botan library for cryptographic algorithms using JNI to run a few native C programmes on Android. I've managed.. stl stlport stlport stl _string_base.h 156 undefined reference to ` Botan LibraryInitializer deinitialize ' collect2 ld returned 1 exit status make home fensta workspace Example obj local armeabi libfooBar.so Error 1 Here is my exampletError.cpp..

Can't create shared library with static inside


#include calc_mean.h int mean int a int b return a b 2 calc_mean.h int mean int int Then I create make file and build archive .a file called Test_Archive.a using following make file makefile GCC C Tools ndk toolchain ndk standalone bin arm.. include BUILD_SHARED_LIBRARY but when I want to create .so file the following error occurs why .. .. ndk build Compile thumb Test_Library Test_Library.c SharedLibrary libTest_Library.so C cygwin home android ndk r5b Fido ProjectOSTX.. C cygwin home android ndk r5b Fido ProjectOSTX jni OSTX_Library.c 6 undefined reference to mean' collect2 ld returned 1 exit status make home android ndk r5b Fido ProjectOSTX obj local armeabi libOSTX_Library.so Error 1 Why undefined..