

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:17:58

android Programming Glossary: listview1

How do I link a checkbox for every contact in populated listview?


IN MY XML FILE. ListView lv ListView findViewById R.id.listView1 HERE I AM CREATING CUSTOM ADAPTER OBJECT. my_custom_adapter.. android orientation vertical ListView android id @ id listView1 android layout_width match_parent android layout_height wrap_content..

Android CalendarView class cannot be found


android maxHeight 100dp ListView android id @ id listView1 android layout_width match_parent android layout_height match_parent..

Why do I want to avoid non-default constructors in fragments?


class MenuFragment extends ListFragment public ListView listView1 Categories category this is my non default constructor public..

Listview click to show image in ImageView


R.layout.activity_main listv ListView findViewById R.id.listView1 final ProgressDialog progDailog new ProgressDialog MainActivity.this.. android orientation vertical ListView android id @ id listView1 android layout_width match_parent android layout_height wrap_content..

setOnItemClickListener not getting called


android orientation vertical ListView android id @ id listView1 android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height wrap_content.. change your code to ListView lv ListView findViewById R.id.listView1 Some explain android.R it's default resources of Android OS..

Populate list of custom view using ListFragment


android orientation vertical ListView android id @ id listView1 android layout_width match_parent android layout_height match_parent.. PS I think in fragment.xml instead of android id @ id listView1 field I have to write android id @id list since I'm using ListFragment.. adapter for my listView. First I changed android id @ id listView1 to android id @android id list in fragment.xml. CustomArrayAdapter.java..

How to animate a slide in notification view that pushes the content view down


0dp android layout_weight 1 ListView android id @ id listView1 android layout_width match_parent android layout_height match_parent.. R.id.greenView listView ListView findViewById R.id.listView1 Instanciating an array list you don't need to do this you already..

Android Listview with spinner and a checkbox


android layout_height fill_parent ListView android id @ id listView1 android layout_height match_parent android layout_width match_parent.. R.layout.main ListView listView ListView findViewById R.id.listView1 DataHolder data new DataHolder this DataHolder data1 new DataHolder..

How to get App's Permission for each app? how to do it programmatically on Android?


final ListView lw ListView findViewById R.id.listView1 final List ResolveInfo pkglist lw.getContext .getPackageManager.. layout_height wrap_content Button ListView android id @ id listView1 android layout_height wrap_content android layout_width fill_parent..

Android: Your content must have a ListView whose id attribute is android.R.id.list


25dip ProgressBar ListView android id @ id listView1 android layout_height wrap_content android layout_width match_parent..

ListView without ListActivity


... Chronometer .. some code .... ListView android id @ id listView1 android layout_height wrap_content android layout_width fill_parent.. R.id.editText1 ListView lv ListView findViewById R.id.listView1 String listword new String Hello World Foo Bar lv.setAdapter..

Android ViewPager and ListViews


Exception on this line when trying to launch my activity listView1.setAdapter new ArrayAdapter Object this R.layout.rowlayout list1.. PagerAdapter implements TitleProvider private ListView listView1 private static String titles new String Page 1 Page 2 Page 3.. layoutInflater Activity context .getLayoutInflater listView1 ListView layoutInflater.inflate R.layout.listview1 null String..

Using viewpager in my application


R.layout.customslidingtabhost null ListView listView1 ListView view.findViewById R.id.list MyCustomAdapter adapter.. new MyCustomAdapter getActivity R.layout.list imageliste listView1.setAdapter adapter int colors 0xFFFFFFFF 0xFF87CEEB 0xFFFFFFFF.. 0xFFFFFFFF 0xFF87CEEB 0xFFFFFFFF red for the example listView1.setDivider new GradientDrawable Orientation.RIGHT_LEFT colors..

Layout Animation Android[Facebook]


visibility gone LinearLayout ListView android id @ id listView1 android layout_width match_parent android layout_height wrap_content.. R.id.layoutTwo subViewListView ListView findViewById R.id.listView1 fakeLayout View findViewById R.id.fake_layouy subViewListView.setAdapter..

How do I link a checkbox for every contact in populated listview?


Check All HERE IS THE LIST VIEW WHICH I HAVE CREATED IN MY XML FILE. ListView lv ListView findViewById R.id.listView1 HERE I AM CREATING CUSTOM ADAPTER OBJECT. my_custom_adapter adapter new my_custom_adapter this android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1.. layout_width fill_parent android layout_height fill_parent android orientation vertical ListView android id @ id listView1 android layout_width match_parent android layout_height wrap_content android layout_alignParentLeft true android layout_alignParentTop..

Android CalendarView class cannot be found


layout_width fill_parent android layout_height wrap_content android maxHeight 100dp ListView android id @ id listView1 android layout_width match_parent android layout_height match_parent ListView ScrollView RelativeLayout RelativeLayout..

Why do I want to avoid non-default constructors in fragments?


Can you also suggest how I would accomplish this public static class MenuFragment extends ListFragment public ListView listView1 Categories category this is my non default constructor public MenuFragment Categories category this.category category ......

Listview click to show image in ImageView


super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.activity_main listv ListView findViewById R.id.listView1 final ProgressDialog progDailog new ProgressDialog MainActivity.this final Handler handler new Handler public void handleMessage.. layout_width fill_parent android layout_height fill_parent android orientation vertical ListView android id @ id listView1 android layout_width match_parent android layout_height wrap_content ListView LinearLayout row.xml LinearLayout xmlns android..

setOnItemClickListener not getting called


layout_width fill_parent android layout_height fill_parent android orientation vertical ListView android id @ id listView1 android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height wrap_content ListView LinearLayout so you need change your code to.. wrap_content ListView LinearLayout so you need change your code to ListView lv ListView findViewById R.id.listView1 Some explain android.R it's default resources of Android OS llike buttons images listview items layouts and etc. R. it'..

Populate list of custom view using ListFragment


layout_width match_parent android layout_height match_parent android orientation vertical ListView android id @ id listView1 android layout_width match_parent android layout_height match_parent ListView LinearLayout I have an array of menu objects.. the list_row elements. Any help or idea would be appreciated. PS I think in fragment.xml instead of android id @ id listView1 field I have to write android id @id list since I'm using ListFragment android android listview android custom view android.. creating a CustomArrayAdapter class and setting it as the adapter for my listView. First I changed android id @ id listView1 to android id @android id list in fragment.xml. CustomArrayAdapter.java public class CustomArrayAdapter extends ArrayAdapter..

How to animate a slide in notification view that pushes the content view down


android layout_width match_parent android layout_height 0dp android layout_weight 1 ListView android id @ id listView1 android layout_width match_parent android layout_height match_parent android background @android color transparent android.. The animated view greenView View findViewById R.id.greenView listView ListView findViewById R.id.listView1 Instanciating an array list you don't need to do this you already have yours ArrayList String your_array_list new ArrayList..

Android Listview with spinner and a checkbox


orientation vertical android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height fill_parent ListView android id @ id listView1 android layout_height match_parent android layout_width match_parent LinearLayout And here is the rowview.xml. Remember.. super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main ListView listView ListView findViewById R.id.listView1 DataHolder data new DataHolder this DataHolder data1 new DataHolder this DataHolder data2 new DataHolder this DataHolder..

How to get App's Permission for each app? how to do it programmatically on Android?


Intent.ACTION_MAIN null mainIntent.addCategory Intent.CATEGORY_LAUNCHER final ListView lw ListView findViewById R.id.listView1 final List ResolveInfo pkglist lw.getContext .getPackageManager .queryIntentActivities mainIntent 0 final TextView tw TextView.. id @ id button1 android layout_width wrap_content android layout_height wrap_content Button ListView android id @ id listView1 android layout_height wrap_content android layout_width fill_parent ListView TextView android text TextView android id @..

Android: Your content must have a ListView whose id attribute is android.R.id.list


android layout_gravity center_horizontal android layout_marginTop 25dip ProgressBar ListView android id @ id listView1 android layout_height wrap_content android layout_width match_parent ListView LinearLayout LinearLayout android layout_width..

ListView without ListActivity


... EditText ... some code ... ImageButton ... some code ... Chronometer .. some code .... ListView android id @ id listView1 android layout_height wrap_content android layout_width fill_parent ListView here is my onCreate @Override public void onCreate.. findViewById R.id.chronometer1 editText1 EditText findViewById R.id.editText1 ListView lv ListView findViewById R.id.listView1 String listword new String Hello World Foo Bar lv.setAdapter new ArrayAdapter String this R.layout.list_item listword and..

Android ViewPager and ListViews


in please let me know. The issue is that I get a Null Pointer Exception on this line when trying to launch my activity listView1.setAdapter new ArrayAdapter Object this R.layout.rowlayout list1 I suspect that I'm just doing this all wrong. If I don't.. ViewPagerAdapter public class ViewPagerAdapter extends PagerAdapter implements TitleProvider private ListView listView1 private static String titles new String Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 private final Context context public ViewPagerAdapter Context.. Object instantiateItem View collection int position LayoutInflater layoutInflater Activity context .getLayoutInflater listView1 ListView layoutInflater.inflate R.layout.listview1 null String listData null MyArrayAdapter dataAdapter if position 0 listData..

Using viewpager in my application


inflater LayoutInflater.from getActivity View view inflater.inflate R.layout.customslidingtabhost null ListView listView1 ListView view.findViewById R.id.list MyCustomAdapter adapter new MyCustomAdapter getActivity R.layout.list imageliste listView1.setAdapter.. ListView view.findViewById R.id.list MyCustomAdapter adapter new MyCustomAdapter getActivity R.layout.list imageliste listView1.setAdapter adapter int colors 0xFFFFFFFF 0xFF87CEEB 0xFFFFFFFF red for the example listView1.setDivider new GradientDrawable.. R.layout.list imageliste listView1.setAdapter adapter int colors 0xFFFFFFFF 0xFF87CEEB 0xFFFFFFFF red for the example listView1.setDivider new GradientDrawable Orientation.RIGHT_LEFT colors listView1.setDividerHeight 2 listView1.setBackgroundColor..

Layout Animation Android[Facebook]


layout_height wrap_content android orientation vertical android visibility gone LinearLayout ListView android id @ id listView1 android layout_width match_parent android layout_height wrap_content ListView RelativeLayout RelativeLayout android id @.. View findViewById R.id.layout topLayout View findViewById R.id.layoutTwo subViewListView ListView findViewById R.id.listView1 fakeLayout View findViewById R.id.fake_layouy subViewListView.setAdapter new ArrayAdapter String this android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1..