

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:17:58

android Programming Glossary: listviewcheckedtextviewrowstyle

Overriding referenced style attributes


set. I am applying a user defined style to a CheckedTextView CheckedTextView android id @ id contactInfo style @style ListViewCheckedTextViewRowStyle CheckedTextView The user defined style is defined as style name ListViewCheckedTextViewRowStyle parent @style ListViewRowStyle.. style @style ListViewCheckedTextViewRowStyle CheckedTextView The user defined style is defined as style name ListViewCheckedTextViewRowStyle parent @style ListViewRowStyle item name android checkMark android listChoiceIndicatorMultiple item style My theme I created.. theme's drawable and not my user defined drawable. The only way I can have my drawable displayed is with style name ListViewCheckedTextViewRowStyle parent @style ListViewRowStyle item name android checkMark @drawable btn_check_holo_light item style But that defeats the..