

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:17:59

android Programming Glossary: ll.getchildat

How to filter ListView using getFilter() in BaseAdapter


ll LinearLayout vw final EditText edt EditText ll.getChildAt 0 vw inflater.inflate R.layout.list_items null ImageView img..

tabStripEnabled for TabWidget in Older API's


LinearLayout tabHost.getChildAt 0 TabWidget tw TabWidget ll.getChildAt 0 Field mBottomLeftStrip Field mBottomRightStrip try mBottomLeftStrip..

Android ListView Adapter OnClickListener issue


ll LinearLayout v.getParent TextView tv TextView ll.getChildAt 0 Integer pos Integer tv.getTag main.makeInfo pos holder.carMake.setOnClickListener.. ll LinearLayout v.getParent TextView tv TextView ll.getChildAt 0 Integer pos Integer tv.getTag main.modelInfo pos holder.carModel.setOnClickListener.. ll LinearLayout v.getParent TextView tv TextView ll.getChildAt 0 Integer pos Integer tv.getTag main.assetInfo pos holder.assetTag.setOnClickListener..

How to filter ListView using getFilter() in BaseAdapter


ViewGroup parent TODO Auto generated method stub LinearLayout ll LinearLayout vw final EditText edt EditText ll.getChildAt 0 vw inflater.inflate R.layout.list_items null ImageView img ImageView vw.findViewById R.id.imageView1 TextView tv TextView..

tabStripEnabled for TabWidget in Older API's


private void SetupTabs TabHost tabHost LinearLayout ll LinearLayout tabHost.getChildAt 0 TabWidget tw TabWidget ll.getChildAt 0 Field mBottomLeftStrip Field mBottomRightStrip try mBottomLeftStrip tw.getClass .getDeclaredField mBottomLeftStrip mBottomRightStrip..

Android ListView Adapter OnClickListener issue


OnClickListener @Override public void onClick View v LinearLayout ll LinearLayout v.getParent TextView tv TextView ll.getChildAt 0 Integer pos Integer tv.getTag main.makeInfo pos holder.carMake.setOnClickListener makeListener final OnClickListener.. OnClickListener @Override public void onClick View v LinearLayout ll LinearLayout v.getParent TextView tv TextView ll.getChildAt 0 Integer pos Integer tv.getTag main.modelInfo pos holder.carModel.setOnClickListener modelListener final OnClickListener.. OnClickListener @Override public void onClick View v LinearLayout ll LinearLayout v.getParent TextView tv TextView ll.getChildAt 0 Integer pos Integer tv.getTag main.assetInfo pos holder.assetTag.setOnClickListener assetListener return vi android..