

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:17:59

android Programming Glossary: lnk

Android: Problem/bug with ThreadSafeClientConnManager downloading images


browse 5Fthread thread 171b8bf35dbbed96 c3ec5f45436ceec8 lnk raot thanks Nilesh . You need to add BufferedHttpEntity bufHttpEntity..

Getting frames from Video Image in Android


browse_thread thread c85e829ab209ceea 3f180a16a4872b58 lnk gst q onpreviewframe#3f180a16a4872b58 share improve this answer..

Android beginner: understanding MotionEvent actions


browse_thread thread 9a9c23e40f02c134 bf12b89561f204ad lnk gst q ACTION_UP#bf12b89561f204ad Here's my code import android.app.Activity..

How to use EMMA code coverage in android


overriding the Home Key Long press in a category.HOME activity


browse_thread thread d8cdcd1c52d79ef1 0f4b184da6f248a9 lnk gst q home key#0f4b184da6f248a9 However I have recently come..

Making Overlaid image transparent on touch in Android?


Android: Can not send http post


thread cc59efb9475ac557 81116369f2c6bd7a hl de lnk gst q This thread forbids HTTP requests#81116369f2c6bd7a . ..

Spinning globe in Opengl-es


browse_thread thread 0030261b82ed71e5 338fc1dcbfe6945f lnk raot Normal surface Your code is right it have a little bit..

Not trusted certificate using ksoap2-android


browse_thread thread 1ac2b851e07269ba c7275f3b28ad8bbc lnk gst q certificate and then call allowAllSSL before you do any..

Why is is a TabHost stealing focus from a TextView in Android?


browse_thread thread 435791bbd6c550a 8022183887f38f4f lnk gst q tabs focus#8022183887f38f4f Anyway have you any idea of..

ListView random IndexOutOfBoundsException on Froyo


browse_thread thread 4739ce05742841da af59c779e99f5e23 lnk gst q index#af59c779e99f5e23 But it's not EndlessAdapter 's..

Android: Problem/bug with ThreadSafeClientConnManager downloading images


I found at http groups.google.com group android developers browse 5Fthread thread 171b8bf35dbbed96 c3ec5f45436ceec8 lnk raot thanks Nilesh . You need to add BufferedHttpEntity bufHttpEntity new BufferedHttpEntity entity Here was my previous..

Getting frames from Video Image in Android


Android beginner: understanding MotionEvent actions


is proposed http groups.google.com group android developers browse_thread thread 9a9c23e40f02c134 bf12b89561f204ad lnk gst q ACTION_UP#bf12b89561f204ad Here's my code import android.app.Activity import android.os.Bundle import android.util.Log..

How to use EMMA code coverage in android


overriding the Home Key Long press in a category.HOME activity


similar question http groups.google.com group android beginners browse_thread thread d8cdcd1c52d79ef1 0f4b184da6f248a9 lnk gst q home key#0f4b184da6f248a9 However I have recently come across an app that successfully allows you to launch it by..

Making Overlaid image transparent on touch in Android?


Android: Can not send http post


Spinning globe in Opengl-es


coordinate http groups.google.com group android developers browse_thread thread 0030261b82ed71e5 338fc1dcbfe6945f lnk raot Normal surface Your code is right it have a little bit issues I have make some corrections public Sphere int slices..

Not trusted certificate using ksoap2-android


as described in http groups.google.com group android developers browse_thread thread 1ac2b851e07269ba c7275f3b28ad8bbc lnk gst q certificate and then call allowAllSSL before you do any SSL communication call to ksoap2. It will register a new default..

Why is is a TabHost stealing focus from a TextView in Android?


to the following http groups.google.com group android developers browse_thread thread 435791bbd6c550a 8022183887f38f4f lnk gst q tabs focus#8022183887f38f4f Anyway have you any idea of why that happens And of course any workaround would be appreciated...

ListView random IndexOutOfBoundsException on Froyo


the EndlessAdapter . http groups.google.com group cw android browse_thread thread 4739ce05742841da af59c779e99f5e23 lnk gst q index#af59c779e99f5e23 But it's not EndlessAdapter 's fault. It's android's fault. java android listview indexoutofboundsexception..