
2014/10/16 上午 08:17:59

android Programming Glossary: ln

Error while compiling android jni sample: invalid -march= option: `armv5te'


jni share improve this question I've found a solution ln s NDK_PATH toolchains arm linux androideabi 4.4.3 prebuilt linux..

Failed to load libGL.so in android


SDK installed into ~ android sdk linux_x86 so I did ln s usr lib libGL.so.1 ~ android sdk linux_x86 tools lib libGL.so..

Android Hello-World compile error: Intellij cannot find aapt


your AndroidSDK platform tools directory run the following ln s .. build tools 17.0.0 aapt aapt ln s .. build tools 17.0.0.. run the following ln s .. build tools 17.0.0 aapt aapt ln s .. build tools 17.0.0 lib lib ...and IntelliJ should be able..

Android Maven Could not find tool 'aapt'


here . Tried and working cd ANDROID_HOME platform tools ln s .. build tools android 4.2.2 aapt aapt ln s .. build tools.. platform tools ln s .. build tools android 4.2.2 aapt aapt ln s .. build tools android 4.2.2 lib lib ln s .. build tools android.. 4.2.2 aapt aapt ln s .. build tools android 4.2.2 lib lib ln s .. build tools android 4.2.2 aidl aidl Some installations..

How does the Android repo manifest repository work?


.git cd manifests .git for i in .. .. manifests.git do ln s 覺 . done cd .. git checkout BRANCH . cd .. ln s manifests.. do ln s 覺 . done cd .. git checkout BRANCH . cd .. ln s manifests MANIFEST manifest.xml You can trace what really..

How to link assets/www folder in Eclipse / Phonegap / Android project?


mklink D link name target folder and for linux mac use ln to create a source link. Both works for me. share improve this..

Error while compiling android jni sample: invalid -march= option: `armv5te'


Error 1 What's wrong with me or with my system android jni share improve this question I've found a solution ln s NDK_PATH toolchains arm linux androideabi 4.4.3 prebuilt linux x86 bin arm linux androideabi as NDK_PATH toolchains arm..

Failed to load libGL.so in android


problem. android share improve this question I have android SDK installed into ~ android sdk linux_x86 so I did ln s usr lib libGL.so.1 ~ android sdk linux_x86 tools lib libGL.so This solves errors just like linking to usr lib does but..

Android Hello-World compile error: Intellij cannot find aapt


here's a quick fix using a couple of symbolic links From your AndroidSDK platform tools directory run the following ln s .. build tools 17.0.0 aapt aapt ln s .. build tools 17.0.0 lib lib ...and IntelliJ should be able to compile as normal...

Android Maven Could not find tool 'aapt'


is maven android plugin cannot support it. See issue discussed here . Tried and working cd ANDROID_HOME platform tools ln s .. build tools android 4.2.2 aapt aapt ln s .. build tools android 4.2.2 lib lib ln s .. build tools android 4.2.2 aidl.. issue discussed here . Tried and working cd ANDROID_HOME platform tools ln s .. build tools android 4.2.2 aapt aapt ln s .. build tools android 4.2.2 lib lib ln s .. build tools android 4.2.2 aidl aidl Some installations may be structured.. cd ANDROID_HOME platform tools ln s .. build tools android 4.2.2 aapt aapt ln s .. build tools android 4.2.2 lib lib ln s .. build tools android 4.2.2 aidl aidl Some installations may be structured using the API version cd ANDROID_HOME platform..

How does the Android repo manifest repository work?


tools repo git clone bare URL manifests.git mkdir p manifests .git cd manifests .git for i in .. .. manifests.git do ln s 覺 . done cd .. git checkout BRANCH . cd .. ln s manifests MANIFEST manifest.xml You can trace what really happens with.. p manifests .git cd manifests .git for i in .. .. manifests.git do ln s 覺 . done cd .. git checkout BRANCH . cd .. ln s manifests MANIFEST manifest.xml You can trace what really happens with repo trace init ... Then repo sync clones git repositories..

How to link assets/www folder in Eclipse / Phonegap / Android project?
