

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:18:39

android Programming Glossary: math.atan2

How to draw Arc between two points on the Canvas?


start_angle use this code int startAngle int 180 Math.PI Math.atan2 point.y p1.y point.x p1.x here point means where you want to..

Find center geopoint between start geo point and end geo point on android


dLon double By Math.cos lat2 Math.sin dLon double lat3 Math.atan2 Math.sin lat1 Math.sin lat2 Math.sqrt Math.cos lat1 Bx Math.cos.. Math.cos lat1 Bx Math.cos lat1 Bx By By double lon3 lon1 Math.atan2 By Math.cos lat1 Bx print out in degrees System.out.println..

How to get Distance Kilometer in android?


lat2 Math.sin dLon 2 Math.sin dLon 2 double c 2 Math.atan2 Math.sqrt a Math.sqrt 1 a double temp 6371 c temp temp 0.621..

Android Maps API v2 draw circle


lat1 Math.sin d Math.cos brng double longitudeRad lon1 Math.atan2 Math.sin brng Math.sin d Math.cos lat1 Math.cos d Math.sin lat1..

Android Compass that can Compensate for Tilt and Pitch


0 m_NormNorthVector 1 m_azimuth_radians float sin 0 cos 0 Math.atan2 sin cos 0 m_pitch_radians float Math.acos m_NormGravityVector.. aximuth_plus_two_pitch_axis_radians float sin 0 cos 0 Math.atan2 sin cos 0 m_pitch_axis_radians float aximuth_plus_two_pitch_axis_radians..

Android Maps v2 - animate camera to include most markers


lat2 Math.sin dLng 2 Math.sin dLng 2 double c 2 Math.atan2 Math.sqrt a Math.sqrt 1 a double dist earthRadius c int meterConversion..

How can i use RotateAnimation to rotate a circle?


mCircle.clearAnimation mCurrAngle Math.toDegrees Math.atan2 x xc yc y break case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE mPrevAngle mCurrAngle.. mPrevAngle mCurrAngle mCurrAngle Math.toDegrees Math.atan2 x xc yc y animate mPrevAngle mCurrAngle 0 break case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP..

Android - SQlite Getting nearest locations (with latitude and longitude)


Math.sin angularDistance Math.cos trueCourse double dlon Math.atan2 Math.sin trueCourse Math.sin angularDistance Math.cos latA.. 2 Math.sin dLon 2 Math.cos lat1 Math.cos lat2 double c 2 Math.atan2 Math.sqrt a Math.sqrt 1 a double d R c return d Enjoy I used..

How to find Hospital Location near by my location?


lat2.toRad Math.sin dLon 2 Math.sin dLon 2 var c 2 Math.atan2 Math.sqrt a Math.sqrt 1 a var d R c share improve this answer..

Looking for fast image distortion algorithms


y 0 y nHeight y int trueX x mid.x int trueY y mid.y theta Math.atan2 trueY trueX radius Math.sqrt trueX trueX trueY trueY double..

Android: How to rotate a moving animated sprite based on the coordinates of its destination


and the destination spriteToDestAngle Math.toDegrees Math.atan2 spriteX destX spriteY destY Now all you need to do is to use..

How to calculate distance between two locations using their longitude and latitude value


lat1 Math.sin dLng 2 Math.sin dLng 2 double c 2 Math.atan2 Math.sqrt a Math.sqrt 1 a double dist earthRadius c android..

Android - Rotate Dial [duplicate]


overflow and none appear to work. So far I have double r Math.atan2 posX dial.getWidth 2 dial.getHeight 2 posY rotation int Math.toDegrees..

Android - Rotate image around center point?


overflow and none appear to work. So far I have double r Math.atan2 posX dial.getWidth 2 dial.getHeight 2 posY rotation int Math.toDegrees..

rotation and scaling using multi touch in android


log dumpEvent event Handle touch events here... double r Math.atan2 event.getX 400 2 400 2 event.getY int rotation int Math.toDegrees.. 1 double delta_y event.getY 0 event.getY 1 double radians Math.atan2 delta_y delta_x if Constant.TRACE Log.d Rotation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~..

How to draw Arc between two points on the Canvas?


Find center geopoint between start geo point and end geo point on android


lat2 lon1 Math.toRadians lon1 double Bx Math.cos lat2 Math.cos dLon double By Math.cos lat2 Math.sin dLon double lat3 Math.atan2 Math.sin lat1 Math.sin lat2 Math.sqrt Math.cos lat1 Bx Math.cos lat1 Bx By By double lon3 lon1 Math.atan2 By Math.cos lat1.. double lat3 Math.atan2 Math.sin lat1 Math.sin lat2 Math.sqrt Math.cos lat1 Bx Math.cos lat1 Bx By By double lon3 lon1 Math.atan2 By Math.cos lat1 Bx print out in degrees System.out.println Math.toDegrees lat3 Math.toDegrees lon3 share improve this..

How to get Distance Kilometer in android?


2 Math.sin dLat 2 Math.cos Math.toRadians lat1 Math.cos Math.toRadians lat2 Math.sin dLon 2 Math.sin dLon 2 double c 2 Math.atan2 Math.sqrt a Math.sqrt 1 a double temp 6371 c temp temp 0.621 return temp The above code can't give the accurate distance..

Android Maps API v2 draw circle


double latitudeRad Math.asin Math.sin lat1 Math.cos d Math.cos lat1 Math.sin d Math.cos brng double longitudeRad lon1 Math.atan2 Math.sin brng Math.sin d Math.cos lat1 Math.cos d Math.sin lat1 Math.sin latitudeRad options.add new LatLng Math.toDegrees..

Android Compass that can Compensate for Tilt and Pitch


m_NormEastVector 1 m_NormNorthVector 0 cos m_NormEastVector 0 m_NormNorthVector 1 m_azimuth_radians float sin 0 cos 0 Math.atan2 sin cos 0 m_pitch_radians float Math.acos m_NormGravityVector 2 sin m_NormEastVector 1 m_NormNorthVector 0 cos m_NormEastVector.. 0 cos m_NormEastVector 0 m_NormNorthVector 1 float aximuth_plus_two_pitch_axis_radians float sin 0 cos 0 Math.atan2 sin cos 0 m_pitch_axis_radians float aximuth_plus_two_pitch_axis_radians m_azimuth_radians 2 m_azimuth_radians screen_adjustment..

Android Maps v2 - animate camera to include most markers


dLat 2 Math.cos Math.toRadians lat1 Math.cos Math.toRadians lat2 Math.sin dLng 2 Math.sin dLng 2 double c 2 Math.atan2 Math.sqrt a Math.sqrt 1 a double dist earthRadius c int meterConversion 1609 return float dist meterConversion Again use..

How can i use RotateAnimation to rotate a circle?


y event.getY switch event.getAction case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN mCircle.clearAnimation mCurrAngle Math.toDegrees Math.atan2 x xc yc y break case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE mPrevAngle mCurrAngle mCurrAngle Math.toDegrees Math.atan2 x xc yc y animate.. Math.toDegrees Math.atan2 x xc yc y break case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE mPrevAngle mCurrAngle mCurrAngle Math.toDegrees Math.atan2 x xc yc y animate mPrevAngle mCurrAngle 0 break case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP mPrevAngle mCurrAngle 0 break return true private..

Android - SQlite Getting nearest locations (with latitude and longitude)


Math.sin latA Math.cos angularDistance Math.cos latA Math.sin angularDistance Math.cos trueCourse double dlon Math.atan2 Math.sin trueCourse Math.sin angularDistance Math.cos latA Math.cos angularDistance Math.sin latA Math.sin lat double.. p2.x double a Math.sin dLat 2 Math.sin dLat 2 Math.sin dLon 2 Math.sin dLon 2 Math.cos lat1 Math.cos lat2 double c 2 Math.atan2 Math.sqrt a Math.sqrt 1 a double d R c return d Enjoy I used and customized this reference and completed it. share improve..

How to find Hospital Location near by my location?


Looking for fast image distortion algorithms


nHeight y pt x y new Point for int x 0 x nWidth x for int y 0 y nHeight y int trueX x mid.x int trueY y mid.y theta Math.atan2 trueY trueX radius Math.sqrt trueX trueX trueY trueY double newRadius radius radius Math.max mid.x mid.y newX mid.x newRadius..

Android: How to rotate a moving animated sprite based on the coordinates of its destination


a destination you need to know the angle between the sprite and the destination spriteToDestAngle Math.toDegrees Math.atan2 spriteX destX spriteY destY Now all you need to do is to use this angle for the sprite rotation plus ajust it with a constant..

How to calculate distance between two locations using their longitude and latitude value


dLat 2 Math.cos Math.toRadians lat2 Math.cos Math.toRadians lat1 Math.sin dLng 2 Math.sin dLng 2 double c 2 Math.atan2 Math.sqrt a Math.sqrt 1 a double dist earthRadius c android share improve this question private double distance double..

Android - Rotate Dial [duplicate]


it and drags it I have tried loads of examples on stack overflow and none appear to work. So far I have double r Math.atan2 posX dial.getWidth 2 dial.getHeight 2 posY rotation int Math.toDegrees r android share improve this question Create..

Android - Rotate image around center point?


it and drags it I have tried loads of examples on stack overflow and none appear to work. So far I have double r Math.atan2 posX dial.getWidth 2 dial.getHeight 2 posY rotation int Math.toDegrees r android share improve this question Create..

rotation and scaling using multi touch in android


rawEvent ... ImageView view ImageView v Dump touch event to log dumpEvent event Handle touch events here... double r Math.atan2 event.getX 400 2 400 2 event.getY int rotation int Math.toDegrees r float newRot new Float rotation switch event.getAction.. MotionEvent event double delta_x event.getX 0 event.getX 1 double delta_y event.getY 0 event.getY 1 double radians Math.atan2 delta_y delta_x if Constant.TRACE Log.d Rotation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ delta_x ## delta_y ## radians ## Math.toDegrees radians..