

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:18:39

android Programming Glossary: math.floor

Write/Geotag JPEGs (EXIF data) in Android


ExifInterface sdcard DCIM filename .jpeg int num1Lat int Math.floor latitude int num2Lat int Math.floor latitude num1Lat 60 double.. .jpeg int num1Lat int Math.floor latitude int num2Lat int Math.floor latitude num1Lat 60 double num3Lat latitude double num1Lat double.. double num1Lat double num2Lat 60 3600000 int num1Lon int Math.floor longitude int num2Lon int Math.floor longitude num1Lon 60 double..

3d Cube Animation in Android


position text.setPadding 30 30 30 30 int bg Color.rgb int Math.floor Math.random 128 64 int Math.floor Math.random 128 64 int Math.floor.. 30 int bg Color.rgb int Math.floor Math.random 128 64 int Math.floor Math.random 128 64 int Math.floor Math.random 128 64 text.setBackgroundColor.. Math.random 128 64 int Math.floor Math.random 128 64 int Math.floor Math.random 128 64 text.setBackgroundColor bg container.addView..

BitmapFactory.decodeStream returning null when options are set


TARGET_WIDTH options.inSampleSize int Math.pow 2d Math.floor Math.log sampleSize Math.log 2d Do the actual decoding options.inJustDecodeBounds.. TARGET_WIDTH options.inSampleSize int Math.pow 2d Math.floor Math.log sampleSize Math.log 2d Do the actual decoding options.inJustDecodeBounds..

Rotating image. Animation list or animated rotate? (Android)


public float getInterpolation float input return float Math.floor input frameCount frameCount Also you can create a custom widget.. public float getInterpolation float input return float Math.floor input frameCount frameCount startAnimation a File activity_main.xml..

GridView inside Expandable list in android


row counts based on your display final int colCount int Math.floor parentView.getWidth 2 SPACING COL_WIDTH SPACING final int rowCount..

How to implement Image Gallery in Gridview in android?


options.outWidth 100 options.inSampleSize int Math.pow 2d Math.floor Math.log sampleSize Math.log 2d Do the actual decoding options.inJustDecodeBounds..

How to overcome this error:java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget


minSideLength IImage.UNCONSTRAINED 128 int Math.min Math.floor w minSideLength Math.floor h minSideLength if upperBound lowerBound.. 128 int Math.min Math.floor w minSideLength Math.floor h minSideLength if upperBound lowerBound return the larger one..

Write/Geotag JPEGs (EXIF data) in Android


longitude AGlanceLocationListener.getLongitude try exif new ExifInterface sdcard DCIM filename .jpeg int num1Lat int Math.floor latitude int num2Lat int Math.floor latitude num1Lat 60 double num3Lat latitude double num1Lat double num2Lat 60 3600000.. try exif new ExifInterface sdcard DCIM filename .jpeg int num1Lat int Math.floor latitude int num2Lat int Math.floor latitude num1Lat 60 double num3Lat latitude double num1Lat double num2Lat 60 3600000 int num1Lon int Math.floor longitude.. int Math.floor latitude num1Lat 60 double num3Lat latitude double num1Lat double num2Lat 60 3600000 int num1Lon int Math.floor longitude int num2Lon int Math.floor longitude num1Lon 60 double num3Lon longitude double num1Lon double num2Lon 60 3600000..

3d Cube Animation in Android


30 text.setTextColor Color.WHITE text.setText Page position text.setPadding 30 30 30 30 int bg Color.rgb int Math.floor Math.random 128 64 int Math.floor Math.random 128 64 int Math.floor Math.random 128 64 text.setBackgroundColor bg container.addView.. text.setText Page position text.setPadding 30 30 30 30 int bg Color.rgb int Math.floor Math.random 128 64 int Math.floor Math.random 128 64 int Math.floor Math.random 128 64 text.setBackgroundColor bg container.addView text LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT.. text.setPadding 30 30 30 30 int bg Color.rgb int Math.floor Math.random 128 64 int Math.floor Math.random 128 64 int Math.floor Math.random 128 64 text.setBackgroundColor bg container.addView text LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT..

BitmapFactory.decodeStream returning null when options are set


scaleByHeight options.outHeight TARGET_HEIGHT options.outWidth TARGET_WIDTH options.inSampleSize int Math.pow 2d Math.floor Math.log sampleSize Math.log 2d Do the actual decoding options.inJustDecodeBounds false Bitmap img BitmapFactory.decodeStream.. scaleByHeight options.outHeight TARGET_HEIGHT options.outWidth TARGET_WIDTH options.inSampleSize int Math.pow 2d Math.floor Math.log sampleSize Math.log 2d Do the actual decoding options.inJustDecodeBounds false is.close is getHTTPConnectionInputStream..

Rotating image. Animation list or animated rotate? (Android)


new Interpolator private final int frameCount 8 @Override public float getInterpolation float input return float Math.floor input frameCount frameCount Also you can create a custom widget File res values attrs.xml xml version 1.0 encoding utf.. duration a.setInterpolator new Interpolator @Override public float getInterpolation float input return float Math.floor input frameCount frameCount startAnimation a File activity_main.xml com.example.widget.ProgressView android layout_width..

GridView inside Expandable list in android


.getDisplayMetrics .density spacingDp calculate the column and row counts based on your display final int colCount int Math.floor parentView.getWidth 2 SPACING COL_WIDTH SPACING final int rowCount int Math.ceil intValues.size 0d colCount calculate the..

How to implement Image Gallery in Gridview in android?


double sampleSize scaleByHeight options.outHeight 100 options.outWidth 100 options.inSampleSize int Math.pow 2d Math.floor Math.log sampleSize Math.log 2d Do the actual decoding options.inJustDecodeBounds false options.inTempStorage new byte..

How to overcome this error:java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget


1 int Math.ceil Math.sqrt w h maxNumOfPixels int upperBound minSideLength IImage.UNCONSTRAINED 128 int Math.min Math.floor w minSideLength Math.floor h minSideLength if upperBound lowerBound return the larger one when there is no overlapping zone... w h maxNumOfPixels int upperBound minSideLength IImage.UNCONSTRAINED 128 int Math.min Math.floor w minSideLength Math.floor h minSideLength if upperBound lowerBound return the larger one when there is no overlapping zone. return lowerBound if maxNumOfPixels..