

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:18:46

android Programming Glossary: maxwidth

Android CalendarView class cannot be found


wrap_content android layout_width wrap_content android maxWidth 200dp android maxHeight 10dp android text DASHBOARD android..

Validation on Edit Text


id @ id name android layout_width wrap_content android maxWidth 60dp android textSize 6pt EditText More information is available..

Auto-fit TextView for Android


onClick final View v container.removeAllViews final int maxWidth container.getWidth final int maxHeight container.getHeight final.. MainActivity.this final int width _random.nextInt maxWidth 1 final int height _random.nextInt maxHeight 1 fontFitTextView.setLayoutParams.. onClick final View v container.removeAllViews final int maxWidth container.getWidth final int maxHeight container.getHeight..

Decoding bitmaps in Android with the right size


int height bounds.outHeight boolean withinBounds width maxWidth height maxHeight if withinBounds int newWidth calculateNewWidth..

Android - LinearLayout Horizontal with wrapping children


Display display getWindowManager .getDefaultDisplay int maxWidth display.getWidth 10 if collection.size 0 LinearLayout llAlso.. 0 0 widthSoFar txtSamItem.getMeasuredWidth if widthSoFar maxWidth ll.addView llAlso llAlso new LinearLayout this llAlso.setLayoutParams..

Android Layout Weight


selectAllOnFocus true android minWidth 50sp android maxWidth 50sp android background @drawable tv_black_background3 android..

Why do 9-patch graphics size correctly in the emulator but not on a phone?


id @ id date android layout_width wrap_content android maxWidth 196dp TextView TextView android layout_below @ id date android.. wrap_content android layout_width wrap_content android maxWidth 196dp android id @ id summary TextView RelativeLayout android..

Setting a maximum width on a ViewGroup


this suggestion to no avail. Also there is no android maxWidth property like some views. Is there a way to restrict the root..

Android - multi-line linear layout


getWindowManager .getDefaultDisplay ll.removeAllViews int maxWidth display.getWidth 20 LinearLayout.LayoutParams params LinearLayout.. YOU MAY NEED TO ADD THE MARGINS if widthSoFar maxWidth ll.addView newLL newLL new LinearLayout mContext newLL.setLayoutParams..

Create a Chat Bubble In Android


@ id chatdate android minHeight 2dip android maxWidth 2sp android maxHeight 2sp android layout_marginRight 2dp RelativeLayout..

Android CalendarView class cannot be found


Button android id @ id dash android layout_height wrap_content android layout_width wrap_content android maxWidth 200dp android maxHeight 10dp android text DASHBOARD android textAppearance android attr textAppearanceSmall android..

Validation on Edit Text


hint @string numberHint android gravity left android id @ id name android layout_width wrap_content android maxWidth 60dp android textSize 6pt EditText More information is available here http developer.android.com reference android widget..

Auto-fit TextView for Android


new OnClickListener @Override public void onClick final View v container.removeAllViews final int maxWidth container.getWidth final int maxHeight container.getHeight final FontFitTextView fontFitTextView new FontFitTextView MainActivity.this.. final FontFitTextView fontFitTextView new FontFitTextView MainActivity.this final int width _random.nextInt maxWidth 1 final int height _random.nextInt maxHeight 1 fontFitTextView.setLayoutParams new LayoutParams width height fontFitTextView.setSingleLine.. new OnClickListener @Override public void onClick final View v container.removeAllViews final int maxWidth container.getWidth final int maxHeight container.getHeight final AutoResizeTextView fontFitTextView new AutoResizeTextView..

Decoding bitmaps in Android with the right size


if bounds.outWidth 1 TODO Error int width bounds.outWidth int height bounds.outHeight boolean withinBounds width maxWidth height maxHeight if withinBounds int newWidth calculateNewWidth int width int height float sampleSizeF float width float..

Android - LinearLayout Horizontal with wrapping children


LinearLayout ll ArrayList collection String header Display display getWindowManager .getDefaultDisplay int maxWidth display.getWidth 10 if collection.size 0 LinearLayout llAlso new LinearLayout this llAlso.setLayoutParams new LayoutParams.. link_clicked myIntent finish txtSamItem.measure 0 0 widthSoFar txtSamItem.getMeasuredWidth if widthSoFar maxWidth ll.addView llAlso llAlso new LinearLayout this llAlso.setLayoutParams new LayoutParams LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT..

Android Layout Weight


layout_height wrap_content android inputType number android selectAllOnFocus true android minWidth 50sp android maxWidth 50sp android background @drawable tv_black_background3 android textColorHighlight #c30505 EditText LinearLayout LinearLayout..

Why do 9-patch graphics size correctly in the emulator but not on a phone?


TextView android layout_height wrap_content android id @ id date android layout_width wrap_content android maxWidth 196dp TextView TextView android layout_below @ id date android layout_height wrap_content android layout_width wrap_content.. android layout_below @ id date android layout_height wrap_content android layout_width wrap_content android maxWidth 196dp android id @ id summary TextView RelativeLayout android android layout android mapview layoutparams share improve..

Setting a maximum width on a ViewGroup


and I don't want it taking up the whole screen. I tried this suggestion to no avail. Also there is no android maxWidth property like some views. Is there a way to restrict the root LinearLayout so that it is only for example 640 dip I am willing..

Android - multi-line linear layout


LinearLayout ll View views Context mContext Display display getWindowManager .getDefaultDisplay ll.removeAllViews int maxWidth display.getWidth 20 LinearLayout.LayoutParams params LinearLayout newLL new LinearLayout mContext newLL.setLayoutParams.. views i params LL.measure 0 0 widthSoFar views i .getMeasuredWidth YOU MAY NEED TO ADD THE MARGINS if widthSoFar maxWidth ll.addView newLL newLL new LinearLayout mContext newLL.setLayoutParams new LayoutParams LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT..

Create a Chat Bubble In Android


add_picture android layout_alignParentRight true android layout_below @ id chatdate android minHeight 2dip android maxWidth 2sp android maxHeight 2sp android layout_marginRight 2dp RelativeLayout FrameLayout android android layout android widget..