

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:18:45

android Programming Glossary: maxlon

Android Map Zoom to Show all Pins


int minLon 181 MapStoresController.MAP_SCALE int maxLon 181 MapStoresController.MAP_SCALE for int i 0 i overlayItems.size.. .getLongitude MapStoresController.MAP_SCALE minLon maxLon int maxLon s.getLocation .getLongitude MapStoresController.MAP_SCALE.. MapStoresController.MAP_SCALE minLon maxLon int maxLon s.getLocation .getLongitude MapStoresController.MAP_SCALE .getLocation..

Android MapView -setting zoom automatically until all ItemizedOverlay's are visible


maxLat Integer.MIN_VALUE int minLon Integer.MAX_VALUE int maxLon Integer.MIN_VALUE for GeoPoint item items int lat item.getLatitudeE6.. maxLat Math.max lat maxLat minLat Math.min lat minLat maxLon Math.max lon maxLon minLon Math.min lon minLon mapController.zoomToSpan.. lat maxLat minLat Math.min lat minLat maxLon Math.max lon maxLon minLon Math.min lon minLon mapController.zoomToSpan Math.abs..

Android Map Zoom to Show all Pins


int maxLat 81 MapStoresController.MAP_SCALE int minLon 181 MapStoresController.MAP_SCALE int maxLon 181 MapStoresController.MAP_SCALE for int i 0 i overlayItems.size i Store s overlayItems.getItem i .getStore minLat int.. .getLongitude MapStoresController.MAP_SCALE s.getLocation .getLongitude MapStoresController.MAP_SCALE minLon maxLon int maxLon s.getLocation .getLongitude MapStoresController.MAP_SCALE .getLocation .getLongitude MapStoresController.MAP_SCALE.. MapStoresController.MAP_SCALE s.getLocation .getLongitude MapStoresController.MAP_SCALE minLon maxLon int maxLon s.getLocation .getLongitude MapStoresController.MAP_SCALE .getLocation .getLongitude MapStoresController.MAP_SCALE maxLon..

Android MapView -setting zoom automatically until all ItemizedOverlay's are visible


question Kinda like this int minLat Integer.MAX_VALUE int maxLat Integer.MIN_VALUE int minLon Integer.MAX_VALUE int maxLon Integer.MIN_VALUE for GeoPoint item items int lat item.getLatitudeE6 int lon item.getLongitudeE6 maxLat Math.max lat maxLat.. items int lat item.getLatitudeE6 int lon item.getLongitudeE6 maxLat Math.max lat maxLat minLat Math.min lat minLat maxLon Math.max lon maxLon minLon Math.min lon minLon mapController.zoomToSpan Math.abs maxLat minLat Math.abs maxLon minLon mapController.animateTo.. int lon item.getLongitudeE6 maxLat Math.max lat maxLat minLat Math.min lat minLat maxLon Math.max lon maxLon minLon Math.min lon minLon mapController.zoomToSpan Math.abs maxLat minLat Math.abs maxLon minLon mapController.animateTo..