

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:18:48

android Programming Glossary: mbillingservice

Android InAppBilling - what to do when user presses the buy button?


Button findViewById R.id.donate donate.setOnClickListener new Button.OnClickListener public void onClick View v if mBillingService.requestPurchase issueProductId null else showDialog DIALOG_BILLING_NOT_SUPPORTED_ID Log.i tag Can't purchase on this.. mDungeonsPurchaseObserver public void close_unbind if mPurchaseDatabase null mPurchaseDatabase.close if mBillingService null mBillingService.unbind stopService new Intent this BillingService.class Called when this activity becomes visible... public void close_unbind if mPurchaseDatabase null mPurchaseDatabase.close if mBillingService null mBillingService.unbind stopService new Intent this BillingService.class Called when this activity becomes visible. @Override protected void..

Android billing - should I implement the ServiceConnection or the IMarketBillingService


sure what mService variable should be. In the Dungeons tutorial from Andoroid they have this private BillingService mBillingService but when I try to do this Bundle response mBillingService.sendBillingRequest request I get a syntax error saying that the.. tutorial from Andoroid they have this private BillingService mBillingService but when I try to do this Bundle response mBillingService.sendBillingRequest request I get a syntax error saying that the method sendBillingRequest is undefined for BillingService...

Android cannot bind to service (In App-Billing)


private mStampiiPurchaseObserver mStampiiPurchaseObserver private Handler mHandler private BillingService mBillingService private TextView mLogTextView private Cursor mOwnedItemsCursor private PurchaseDatabase mPurchaseDatabase private Set String.. findViewById R.id.buyone envelope1.setOnClickListener new View.OnClickListener @Override public void onClick View v mBillingService.requestPurchase android.test.purchased envelope2 Button findViewById R.id.buytwo envelope2.setOnClickListener new View.OnClickListener.. findViewById R.id.buytwo envelope2.setOnClickListener new View.OnClickListener @Override public void onClick View v mBillingService.requestPurchase android.test.canceled envelope3 Button findViewById R.id.buythree envelope3.setOnClickListener new View.OnClickListener..