

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:18:41

android Programming Glossary: matrix.mscale_x

Draw Rectangle Over ImageView for highlight that can be zoom in-out in android


mCanvasMatrixValues return mCanvasMatrixValues whichvalues protected float getScale return getValue mMatrix Matrix.MSCALE_X New added Method protected float getCanvasScale return getCanvasValue mCanvasMatrix Matrix.MSCALE_X protected float getTranslateX.. getValue mMatrix Matrix.MSCALE_X New added Method protected float getCanvasScale return getCanvasValue mCanvasMatrix Matrix.MSCALE_X protected float getTranslateX return getValue mMatrix Matrix.MTRANS_X New added Method protected float getCanvasTranslateX..

Custom Android Image Crop


.getValues f Calculate the scaled dimensions imageScaledWidth Math.round getDrawable .getIntrinsicWidth f Matrix.MSCALE_X imageScaledHeight Math.round getDrawable .getIntrinsicHeight f Matrix.MSCALE_Y return point.x center.x imageScaledWidth..

Trying to get the display size of an image in an ImageView


f Extract the scale values using the constants if aspect ratio maintained scaleX scaleY final float scaleX f Matrix.MSCALE_X final float scaleY f Matrix.MSCALE_Y Get the drawable could also get the bitmap behind the drawable and getWidth getHeight..

Getting coordinates and width/height from a matrix


How to enable the (two finger) zoom in/out feature for an image in android [duplicate]


matrix.set savedMatrix float scale newDist oldDist matrix.getValues matrixValues float currentScale matrixValues Matrix.MSCALE_X limit zoom if scale currentScale maxZoom scale maxZoom currentScale else if scale currentScale minZoom scale minZoom..