

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:18:40

android Programming Glossary: math.pow

How to maintain multi layers of ImageViews and keep their aspect ratio based on the largest one?


getInterpolation float input float output float Math.sin Math.pow input 2.5f 12 Math.PI return 1 input output a.setInterpolator..

TileProvider method getTile - need to translate x and y to lat/long


share improve this question This worked for me double n Math.pow 2 zoom double longitudeMin x n 360 180 double lat_rad Math.atan..

Is there a way to determine android physical screen height in cm or inches?


.getDefaultDisplay .getMetrics dm double x Math.pow dm.widthPixels dm.xdpi 2 double y Math.pow dm.heightPixels dm.ydpi.. dm double x Math.pow dm.widthPixels dm.xdpi 2 double y Math.pow dm.heightPixels dm.ydpi 2 double screenInches Math.sqrt x y..

BitmapFactory.decodeStream returning null when options are set


options.outWidth TARGET_WIDTH options.inSampleSize int Math.pow 2d Math.floor Math.log sampleSize Math.log 2d Do the actual.. options.outWidth TARGET_WIDTH options.inSampleSize int Math.pow 2d Math.floor Math.log sampleSize Math.log 2d Do the actual..

Possibility of a Curved Gallery


2 int newtop int ellipseYOffset Math.sqrt ellipseMinor2 1 Math.pow adjustedXOrigin 2 ellipseMajor2 newtop child.getHeight 2 if.. int newtop int mEllipseYOffset Math.sqrt mEllipseMinor2 1 Math.pow adjustedXOrigin 2 mEllipseMajor2 newtop childHeight 1 if newtop.. INITIAL_MINOR_RATIO 0.5f mEllipseMajor2 int Math.pow mEllipseMajor 2 mEllipseMinor2 int Math.pow mEllipseMinor 2..

BitmapFactory.decodeStream returns null without exception


int scale 1 if o.outWidth REQUIRED_SIZE scale int Math.pow 2 int Math.round Math.log REQUIRED_SIZE double Math.max o.outHeight..

android maps circle overlay, dynamically change radius?


.toPixels point null float radius float Math.pow 2 mapView.getZoomLevel 10 if radius canvas.getHeight 25 radius..

Moving an image using Accelerometer of android


were calculating originally here were over 10000 x int Math.pow sensorEvent.values 1 2 y int Math.pow sensorEvent.values 2.. over 10000 x int Math.pow sensorEvent.values 1 2 y int Math.pow sensorEvent.values 2 2 if sensorEvent.sensor.getType Sensor.TYPE_ORIENTATION..

How to get screen size of device? [duplicate]


.getDefaultDisplay .getMetrics dm double x Math.pow dm.widthPixels dm.xdpi 2 double y Math.pow dm.heightPixels dm.ydpi.. dm double x Math.pow dm.widthPixels dm.xdpi 2 double y Math.pow dm.heightPixels dm.ydpi 2 double screenInches Math.sqrt x y..

Android OpenGL 3D picking


diffZ nearCoords 2 farCoords 2 double rayLength Math.sqrt Math.pow diffX 2 Math.pow diffY 2 Math.pow diffZ 2 System.out.println.. 2 farCoords 2 double rayLength Math.sqrt Math.pow diffX 2 Math.pow diffY 2 Math.pow diffZ 2 System.out.println rayLength rayLength.. rayLength Math.sqrt Math.pow diffX 2 Math.pow diffY 2 Math.pow diffZ 2 System.out.println rayLength rayLength pickPointTrigger..

How to store image retreived from url in a SQLite database?


offset Formula 1 2 ^ offset return Math.max 0 1.0f float Math.pow 2 Math.abs offset EDIT Set the imageAdapter to load images..

How to implement Image Gallery in Gridview in android?


100 options.outWidth 100 options.inSampleSize int Math.pow 2d Math.floor Math.log sampleSize Math.log 2d Do the actual..

Android: How To: mark the current location into a map (still image) - SOURCE CODE,TESTCASE,ACTUAL,EXPECTED OUTPUT ADDED


byte zoom return long Math.min Math.max pixelX TILE_SIZE 0 Math.pow 2 zoom 1 Converts a pixel Y coordinate at a certain zoom level.. byte zoom return long Math.min Math.max pixelY TILE_SIZE 0 Math.pow 2 zoom 1 private static final byte ZOOM_LEVEL 14 @param args..

How to maintain multi layers of ImageViews and keep their aspect ratio based on the largest one?


3000 i new Interpolator @Override public float getInterpolation float input float output float Math.sin Math.pow input 2.5f 12 Math.PI return 1 input output a.setInterpolator i layer1.startLayerAnimation a a new AlphaAnimation 0..

TileProvider method getTile - need to translate x and y to lat/long


google maps google maps android api 2 android maps v2 share improve this question This worked for me double n Math.pow 2 zoom double longitudeMin x n 360 180 double lat_rad Math.atan Math.sinh Math.PI 1 2 y n double latitudeMin lat_rad 180..

Is there a way to determine android physical screen height in cm or inches?


Use the following DisplayMetrics dm new DisplayMetrics getWindowManager .getDefaultDisplay .getMetrics dm double x Math.pow dm.widthPixels dm.xdpi 2 double y Math.pow dm.heightPixels dm.ydpi 2 double screenInches Math.sqrt x y Log.d debug Screen.. DisplayMetrics getWindowManager .getDefaultDisplay .getMetrics dm double x Math.pow dm.widthPixels dm.xdpi 2 double y Math.pow dm.heightPixels dm.ydpi 2 double screenInches Math.sqrt x y Log.d debug Screen inches screenInches share improve this..

BitmapFactory.decodeStream returning null when options are set


double sampleSize scaleByHeight options.outHeight TARGET_HEIGHT options.outWidth TARGET_WIDTH options.inSampleSize int Math.pow 2d Math.floor Math.log sampleSize Math.log 2d Do the actual decoding options.inJustDecodeBounds false Bitmap img BitmapFactory.decodeStream.. sampleSize scaleByHeight options.outHeight TARGET_HEIGHT options.outWidth TARGET_WIDTH options.inSampleSize int Math.pow 2d Math.floor Math.log sampleSize Math.log 2d Do the actual decoding options.inJustDecodeBounds false is.close is getHTTPConnectionInputStream..

Possibility of a Curved Gallery


int adjustedXOrigin left getWidth 2 child.getWidth 2 int newtop int ellipseYOffset Math.sqrt ellipseMinor2 1 Math.pow adjustedXOrigin 2 ellipseMajor2 newtop child.getHeight 2 if newtop 0 child.layout left newtop left child.getWidth newtop.. child.getHeight int adjustedXOrigin left mXOff childWidth 1 int newtop int mEllipseYOffset Math.sqrt mEllipseMinor2 1 Math.pow adjustedXOrigin 2 mEllipseMajor2 newtop childHeight 1 if newtop 0 child.layout left newtop left childWidth newtop childHeight.. INITIAL_MAJOR_RATIO 0.5f mEllipseMinor int getMeasuredHeight INITIAL_MINOR_RATIO 0.5f mEllipseMajor2 int Math.pow mEllipseMajor 2 mEllipseMinor2 int Math.pow mEllipseMinor 2 mEllipseYOffset getMeasuredHeight mEllipseMinor getMeasuredHeight..

BitmapFactory.decodeStream returns null without exception


Decode image size BitmapFactory.Options o new BitmapFactory.Options int scale 1 if o.outWidth REQUIRED_SIZE scale int Math.pow 2 int Math.round Math.log REQUIRED_SIZE double Math.max o.outHeight o.outWidth Math.log 0.5 Log.i Prototype.TAG scale scale..

android maps circle overlay, dynamically change radius?


Canvas canvas MapView mapView boolean shadow Point pt mapView.getProjection .toPixels point null float radius float Math.pow 2 mapView.getZoomLevel 10 if radius canvas.getHeight 25 radius canvas.getHeight 25 canvas.drawCircle pt.x pt.y radius paint2..

Moving an image using Accelerometer of android


Sensor.TYPE_ACCELEROMETER the values you were calculating originally here were over 10000 x int Math.pow sensorEvent.values 1 2 y int Math.pow sensorEvent.values 2 2 if sensorEvent.sensor.getType Sensor.TYPE_ORIENTATION I've.. the values you were calculating originally here were over 10000 x int Math.pow sensorEvent.values 1 2 y int Math.pow sensorEvent.values 2 2 if sensorEvent.sensor.getType Sensor.TYPE_ORIENTATION I've chosen to not implement this method..

How to get screen size of device? [duplicate]


your needs. In inches DisplayMetrics dm new DisplayMetrics getWindowManager .getDefaultDisplay .getMetrics dm double x Math.pow dm.widthPixels dm.xdpi 2 double y Math.pow dm.heightPixels dm.ydpi 2 double screenInches Math.sqrt x y Log.d debug Screen.. DisplayMetrics getWindowManager .getDefaultDisplay .getMetrics dm double x Math.pow dm.widthPixels dm.xdpi 2 double y Math.pow dm.heightPixels dm.ydpi 2 double screenInches Math.sqrt x y Log.d debug Screen inches screenInches share improve this..

Android OpenGL 3D picking


0 farCoords 0 double diffY nearCoords 1 farCoords 1 double diffZ nearCoords 2 farCoords 2 double rayLength Math.sqrt Math.pow diffX 2 Math.pow diffY 2 Math.pow diffZ 2 System.out.println rayLength rayLength pickPointTrigger false Changing the persepctive.. diffY nearCoords 1 farCoords 1 double diffZ nearCoords 2 farCoords 2 double rayLength Math.sqrt Math.pow diffX 2 Math.pow diffY 2 Math.pow diffZ 2 System.out.println rayLength rayLength pickPointTrigger false Changing the persepctive zNear and.. 1 farCoords 1 double diffZ nearCoords 2 farCoords 2 double rayLength Math.sqrt Math.pow diffX 2 Math.pow diffY 2 Math.pow diffZ 2 System.out.println rayLength rayLength pickPointTrigger false Changing the persepctive zNear and Far doesn't have..

How to store image retreived from url in a SQLite database?


to the center. public float getScale boolean focused int offset Formula 1 2 ^ offset return Math.max 0 1.0f float Math.pow 2 Math.abs offset EDIT Set the imageAdapter to load images in Gallery Gallery findViewById R.id.gallery .setAdapter..

How to implement Image Gallery in Gridview in android?


dimensions double sampleSize scaleByHeight options.outHeight 100 options.outWidth 100 options.inSampleSize int Math.pow 2d Math.floor Math.log sampleSize Math.log 2d Do the actual decoding options.inJustDecodeBounds false options.inTempStorage..

Android: How To: mark the current location into a map (still image) - SOURCE CODE,TESTCASE,ACTUAL,EXPECTED OUTPUT ADDED


the tile X number. static long pixelXToTileX double pixelX byte zoom return long Math.min Math.max pixelX TILE_SIZE 0 Math.pow 2 zoom 1 Converts a pixel Y coordinate at a certain zoom level to a latitude coordinate. @param pixelY the pixel Y coordinate.. the tile Y number. static long pixelYToTileY double pixelY byte zoom return long Math.min Math.max pixelY TILE_SIZE 0 Math.pow 2 zoom 1 private static final byte ZOOM_LEVEL 14 @param args public static void main String args Pixel Coordinate of Chicago..