

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:21:38

android Programming Glossary: props

Android ICS and MJPEG using AsyncTask


headerIn new ByteArrayInputStream headerBytes Properties props new Properties props.load headerIn return Integer.parseInt props.getProperty.. headerBytes Properties props new Properties props.load headerIn return Integer.parseInt props.getProperty CONTENT_LENGTH.. new Properties props.load headerIn return Integer.parseInt props.getProperty CONTENT_LENGTH public Bitmap readMjpegFrame throws..

How to create XMPP chat client for facebook?


host String mechanisms NAME Map String String props new HashMap String String this.sc Sasl.createSaslClient mechanisms.. this.sc Sasl.createSaslClient mechanisms null xmpp host props this authenticate @Override public void authenticate String.. XMPPException String mechanisms NAME Map String String props new HashMap String String this.sc Sasl.createSaslClient mechanisms..

IBM Worklight 6.0 - Unable to run sample hybrid worklight app using dojo toolkit for android environment on avd?


head body id content style display none div data dojo props label 'Accord Fintech' data dojo type dojox.mobile.Heading div.. data dojo type dojox.mobile.Heading div div data dojo props selected true data dojo type dojox.mobile.ScrollableView id.. data dojo type dojox.mobile.RoundRectList div data dojo props label 'About Us' moveTo 'Aboutusview' transition 'flip' dir..

Sending Email in Android using JavaMail API without using the default/built-in app


password this.user user this.password password Properties props new Properties props.setProperty mail.transport.protocol smtp.. this.password password Properties props new Properties props.setProperty mail.transport.protocol smtp props.setProperty mail.host.. Properties props.setProperty mail.transport.protocol smtp props.setProperty mail.host mailhost props.put mail.smtp.auth true..

Android and MJPEG


headerIn new ByteArrayInputStream headerBytes Properties props new Properties props.load headerIn return Integer.parseInt props.getProperty.. headerBytes Properties props new Properties props.load headerIn return Integer.parseInt props.getProperty CONTENT_LENGTH.. new Properties props.load headerIn return Integer.parseInt props.getProperty CONTENT_LENGTH public Bitmap readMjpegFrame throws..

XMPP with Java Asmack library supporting X-FACEBOOK-PLATFORM


host String mechanisms DIGEST MD5 Map String String props new HashMap String String this.sc Sasl.createSaslClient mechanisms.. this.sc Sasl.createSaslClient mechanisms null xmpp host props this authenticate @Override protected String getName return.. host String mechanisms DIGEST MD5 Map String String props new HashMap String String this.sc Sasl.createSaslClient mechanisms..

Android ICS and MJPEG using AsyncTask


throws IOException NumberFormatException ByteArrayInputStream headerIn new ByteArrayInputStream headerBytes Properties props new Properties props.load headerIn return Integer.parseInt props.getProperty CONTENT_LENGTH public Bitmap readMjpegFrame.. ByteArrayInputStream headerIn new ByteArrayInputStream headerBytes Properties props new Properties props.load headerIn return Integer.parseInt props.getProperty CONTENT_LENGTH public Bitmap readMjpegFrame throws IOException.. new ByteArrayInputStream headerBytes Properties props new Properties props.load headerIn return Integer.parseInt props.getProperty CONTENT_LENGTH public Bitmap readMjpegFrame throws IOException mark FRAME_MAX_LENGTH int headerLen getStartOfSequence..

How to create XMPP chat client for facebook?


this.access_token acces_token this.apiKey apiKey this.hostname host String mechanisms NAME Map String String props new HashMap String String this.sc Sasl.createSaslClient mechanisms null xmpp host props this authenticate @Override public.. NAME Map String String props new HashMap String String this.sc Sasl.createSaslClient mechanisms null xmpp host props this authenticate @Override public void authenticate String username String host CallbackHandler cbh throws IOException.. username String host CallbackHandler cbh throws IOException XMPPException String mechanisms NAME Map String String props new HashMap String String this.sc Sasl.createSaslClient mechanisms null xmpp host props cbh authenticate @Override protected..

IBM Worklight 6.0 - Unable to run sample hybrid worklight app using dojo toolkit for android environment on avd?


false src dojo dojo.js type text javascript script head body id content style display none div data dojo props label 'Accord Fintech' data dojo type dojox.mobile.Heading div div data dojo props selected true data dojo type dojox.mobile.ScrollableView.. style display none div data dojo props label 'Accord Fintech' data dojo type dojox.mobile.Heading div div data dojo props selected true data dojo type dojox.mobile.ScrollableView id view0 div data dojo type dojox.mobile.RoundRectList div data.. true data dojo type dojox.mobile.ScrollableView id view0 div data dojo type dojox.mobile.RoundRectList div data dojo props label 'About Us' moveTo 'Aboutusview' transition 'flip' dir ' 1' data dojo type dojox.mobile.ListItem div div data dojo..

Sending Email in Android using JavaMail API without using the default/built-in app


public GMailSender String user String password this.user user this.password password Properties props new Properties props.setProperty mail.transport.protocol smtp props.setProperty mail.host mailhost props.put mail.smtp.auth.. public GMailSender String user String password this.user user this.password password Properties props new Properties props.setProperty mail.transport.protocol smtp props.setProperty mail.host mailhost props.put mail.smtp.auth true props.put mail.smtp.port.. this.user user this.password password Properties props new Properties props.setProperty mail.transport.protocol smtp props.setProperty mail.host mailhost props.put mail.smtp.auth true props.put mail.smtp.port 465 props.put mail.smtp.socketFactory.port..

Android and MJPEG


throws IOException NumberFormatException ByteArrayInputStream headerIn new ByteArrayInputStream headerBytes Properties props new Properties props.load headerIn return Integer.parseInt props.getProperty CONTENT_LENGTH public Bitmap readMjpegFrame.. ByteArrayInputStream headerIn new ByteArrayInputStream headerBytes Properties props new Properties props.load headerIn return Integer.parseInt props.getProperty CONTENT_LENGTH public Bitmap readMjpegFrame throws IOException.. new ByteArrayInputStream headerBytes Properties props new Properties props.load headerIn return Integer.parseInt props.getProperty CONTENT_LENGTH public Bitmap readMjpegFrame throws IOException mark FRAME_MAX_LENGTH int headerLen getStartOfSequence..

XMPP with Java Asmack library supporting X-FACEBOOK-PLATFORM


sessionKey this.password applicationSecret this.hostname host String mechanisms DIGEST MD5 Map String String props new HashMap String String this.sc Sasl.createSaslClient mechanisms null xmpp host props this authenticate @Override protected.. DIGEST MD5 Map String String props new HashMap String String this.sc Sasl.createSaslClient mechanisms null xmpp host props this authenticate @Override protected String getName return NAME @Override public void challengeReceived String challenge.. sessionKey this.password applicationSecret this.hostname host String mechanisms DIGEST MD5 Map String String props new HashMap String String this.sc Sasl.createSaslClient mechanisms null xmpp host props this authenticate @Override public..