

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:23:42

android Programming Glossary: setclickable

Android: ListView elements with multiple clickable buttons


item and from there goes directly to the next list item ignoring the buttons even though I set .setFocusable true and setClickable true for the buttons in getView . I also added this code to my custom list adapter @Override public boolean areAllItemsEnabled..

onClickListener on a LinearLayout


Android: custom view onClickEvent with X & Y locations


about onTouchEvent short circuiting onClick and I don't know if maybe you need to set android clickable to true or setClickable true . But if you can't make it work cleanly you can use a boolean in the onTouchEvent to mimic click detection if all else..

Android ListView child View setEnabled() and setClickable() do nothing


ListView child View setEnabled and setClickable do nothing I'm doing some AsyncTask work after user clicks an item in my ListView. I'd like to disable the item so it can't.. AdapterView parent View clickedView int position long id item Episode parent.getItemAtPosition position clickedView.setClickable false clickedView.setEnabled false clickedView.invalidate My View for each row is a custom LinearLayout with two TextViews...

adding CheckBox to list row loses my onItemClick events?


ListView: TextView with LinkMovementMethod makes list item unclickable?


root reason is that whan you call setMovementMethod or setKeyListener TextView fixes it's settings setFocusable true setClickable true setLongClickable true So the first reason is that when a View is clickable it always consumes ACTION_UP event by returning..