

2014/10/16 ¤W¤Č 08:23:46

android Programming Glossary: setupactionbar

ActionBar logo centered and Action items on sides


RelativeLayout Then in your Activity you would want to call a method like this in onCreate private void setupActionBar ActionBar ab getActionBar ab.setDisplayShowCustomEnabled true ab.setDisplayShowTitleEnabled false ab.setIcon R.drawable.your_left_action_icon.. just replace the TextView I used in my example with your ImageView and disregard the font customization code in the setupActionBar method. Edit2 I updated my Java code. You will need to do ab.setHomeAsUpEnabled true and then have a custom theme to implement..

automatically update my activity to show which was written


edit2 super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.regulation_time Show the Up button in the action bar. setupActionBar Récupérer le n° de la carte SIM saisi par l'utilisateur EditText edit1 EditText findViewById R.id.regedit1 String simCard.. super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.regulation_time Show the Up button in the action bar. setupActionBar Récupérer le n° de la carte SIM saisi par l'utilisateur edit1 EditText findViewById R.id.regedit1 initialize here String..

How can I force the Action Bar to be at the bottom in ICS?


that is the ActionBar at the top and bottom using splitActionBarWhenNarrow and the following setup code private void setupActionBar ActionBar actionBar getActionBar ViewGroup v ViewGroup LayoutInflater.from this .inflate R.layout.conversation_list_actionbar..

Android: dynamically change ActionBar icon?


via the ActionBarHelperBase.java class for API v4 onwards. code snippet from ActionBarHelperBase.java ... private void setupActionBar final ViewGroup actionBarCompat getActionBarCompat if actionBarCompat null return LinearLayout.LayoutParams springLayoutParams..