

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:23:47

android Programming Glossary: setuptabs

Switching fragments within tab


SherlockFragmentActivity @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setupTabs savedInstanceState @Override public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu Menu menu MenuInflater inflater getSupportMenuInflater inflater.inflate.. Menu menu MenuInflater inflater getSupportMenuInflater inflater.inflate R.menu.menu menu return true private void setupTabs Bundle savedInstanceState ActionBar actionBar getSupportActionBar actionBar.setNavigationMode ActionBar.NAVIGATION_MODE_TABS..

TabHost with Fragments and FragmentActivity


mRoot inflater.inflate R.layout.tabs_layout null mTabHost TabHost mRoot.findViewById android.R.id.tabhost setupTabs return mRoot private void setupTabs mTabHost.setup important mTabHost.addTab newTab RATE_A_PET R.string.tabRateAPet R.id.tabRateAPet.. R.layout.tabs_layout null mTabHost TabHost mRoot.findViewById android.R.id.tabhost setupTabs return mRoot private void setupTabs mTabHost.setup important mTabHost.addTab newTab RATE_A_PET R.string.tabRateAPet R.id.tabRateAPet mTabHost.addTab newTab..

Updating Android Tab Icons


each TabSpec is created I set an icon to be displayed in the tab header. The TabSpecs are created in this way within a setupTabs method which loops to create the appropriate number of tabs TabSpec ts mTabs.newTabSpec tab ts.setIndicator TabTitle iconResource.. tabs and calling the above code again to re create them. mTabs.getTabWidget .removeAllViews mTabs.clearAllTabs true setupTabs Is there a way to replace the icon that is being displayed without deleting and re creating all of the tabs java android..