

c# Programming Glossary: ah

Why does closing a console that was started with AllocConsole cause my whole application to exit? Can I change this behavior?


console application share improve this question Ah yes this is one of the caveats of using the Windows console..

A way of casting a base type to a derived type


of Microsoft trying to protect you against yourself. Ah well at least they're no where near as bad as Sun. share improve..

C# ADO.NET: nulls and DbNull — is there more efficient syntax?


null nullable dbnull share improve this question Ah ha I found an even more efficient solution than @Trebz's datePrm.Value..

Instantiating a python class in C#


args var card new PokerCard I also tried new PokerCard Ah Console.WriteLine card.ToString Console.ReadLine What do I..

Rhino mocks ??change behaviour of stubs


time I'd rather not resort to using fi.Stub ... .Do ... . Ah probably I just need hardcopy of the fine manual for somebody.. unit testing rhino mocks share improve this question Ah I figured it out myself. Rhino supports record replay mode...

Detect system theme change in WPF


You're probably confusing window messages for form events. Ah so it's the StyleChanged event that gets invoked in WinForms..

How can I use the RelayCommand in wpf?


bit of extra functionality over the RelayCommand code. Ah the question changed while I was typing this answer. Assuming..