

c# Programming Glossary: ajax.googleapis.com

How to detect the language of a string?


to create a URI and send it to Google that looks like http ajax.googleapis.com ajax services language translate v 1.0 q hello 20worled langpair..

Making a Simple Ajax call to controller in asp.net mvc


code.jquery.com jquery 1.9.1.js script script src http ajax.googleapis.com ajax libs jquery 2.0.0 jquery.min.js script script type text..

Passing ASP.NET client IDs in to a javascript function


plain text. or use jquery script type text javascript src ajax.googleapis.com ajax libs jquery 1.5.2 jquery.min.js script script type text..

asp.net: Invalid postback or callback argument


1999 xhtml head runat server title title script src http ajax.googleapis.com ajax libs jquery 1.6.4 jquery.min.js type text javascript script.. jquery.min.js type text javascript script script src https ajax.googleapis.com ajax libs jqueryui 1.8.16 jquery ui.js type text javascript..

Looking for a REST with JSON client library


static void GoogleSearch string keyword string url http ajax.googleapis.com ajax services search web v 1.0 rsz 8 q dynamic googleResults.. static void GoogleSearch2 string keyword string url http ajax.googleapis.com ajax services search web v 1.0 rsz 8 q keyword using WebClient..