

c# Programming Glossary: album

How to edit multiple models in a single Razor View


from MVC Music Store public ActionResult Edit int id Album album db.Albums.Find id ViewBag.GenreId new SelectList db.Genres GenreId.. id ViewBag.GenreId new SelectList db.Genres GenreId Name album.GenreId ViewBag.ArtistId new SelectList db.Artists ArtistId.. ViewBag.ArtistId new SelectList db.Artists ArtistId Name album.ArtistId return View album HttpPost public ActionResult Edit..

C# facebook graph / How to upload to album id


facebook graph How to upload to album id Dictionary string object newPhotoParam new Dictionary string.. newPhotoParam.Add message test photo upload _app.Api albumID photos newPhotoParam HttpMethod.Post this code is upload failed.. @ .. .. .. Facebook.Tests bin Release monkey.jpg string albumId ConfigurationManager.AppSettings AlbumId byte photo File.ReadAllBytes..

Deserialization Error: The XML element 'name' from namespace '' is already present in the current scope


element. The error happens on this line in my code Album album Album serializer.Deserialize reader I not sure why. There is.. ElementName photos_GetAlbums_response XmlArrayItem album public Album Albums get set XmlElement ElementName ElementConstants.AlbumName.. Deserialize the Xml Object and cast to type Album Album album Album serializer.Deserialize reader return album The XML that..

View/edit ID3 data for MP3 files


a quick and easy way to view and edit ID3 tags artist album etc. using C# c# .net mp3 id3 share improve this question..

How to parse JSON without JSON.NET library?


name Prince Charming artist Metallica genre Rock and Metal album Reload album_image http up203.siz.co.il up2 u2zzzw4mjayz.png.. artist Metallica genre Rock and Metal album Reload album_image http up203.siz.co.il up2 u2zzzw4mjayz.png link http f2h.co.il.. result genre Console.WriteLine Album ... 0 string result album The classes are quite similar to those found in the System.Xml.Linq..

How to edit multiple models in a single Razor View


is from MVC Music Store public ActionResult Edit int id Album album db.Albums.Find id ViewBag.GenreId new SelectList db.Genres.. Music Store public ActionResult Edit int id Album album db.Albums.Find id ViewBag.GenreId new SelectList db.Genres GenreId Name.. return View album HttpPost public ActionResult Edit Album album if ModelState.IsValid db.Entry album .State EntityState.Modified..

deserializing JSON to .net object using NewtonSoft (or linq to json maybe?)


http api.kazaa.com api v1 search.json q muse type Album StreamReader reader new StreamReader stream List string list.. http api.kazaa.com api v1 search.json q muse type Album StreamReader reader new StreamReader stream Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject..

Deserialization Error: The XML element 'name' from namespace '' is already present in the current scope


for the element. The error happens on this line in my code Album album Album serializer.Deserialize reader I not sure why. There.. The error happens on this line in my code Album album Album serializer.Deserialize reader I not sure why. There is no dup.. from a 3rd party REST API. Here's the complete code My Album Class the type I'm Deserializing to public class Album #region..

Are 2 dimensional Lists possible in c#?


I want to insert List 0 List 0 Track ID 1 Name 2 Artist 3 Album 4 Play Count 5 Skip Count 1 List And so on.... Real Example.. own class to represent a track with Track ID Name Artist Album Play Count and Skip Count properties Then just have a List Track..

View/edit ID3 data for MP3 files


Having HierarchicalDataTemplates in a TreeView


Code public class Artist private readonly ICollection Album _children new ObservableCollection Album public string Name.. ICollection Album _children new ObservableCollection Album public string Name get set public ICollection Album Albums .. Album public string Name get set public ICollection Album Albums get return _children public class Album private readonly..

WPF: Displaying a Context Menu for a GridView's Items


StaticResource BlueHeader DisplayMemberBinding Binding Album.Artist.Name GridViewColumn Header Album Width 100 HeaderTemplate.. Binding Album.Artist.Name GridViewColumn Header Album Width 100 HeaderTemplate StaticResource BlueHeader DisplayMemberBinding.. StaticResource BlueHeader DisplayMemberBinding Binding Album.Name GridViewColumn Header Length Width 100 HeaderTemplate StaticResource..

How to parse JSON without JSON.NET library?


Genre ... 0 string result genre Console.WriteLine Album ... 0 string result album The classes are quite similar to those..