

c# Programming Glossary: attachthreadinput

Get active window text (and send more text to it)


int GetFocus DllImport user32.dll static extern bool AttachThreadInput uint idAttach uint idAttachTo bool fAttach DllImport kernel32.dll.. we can get the handle of a focused window in another app AttachThreadInput remoteThreadId currentThreadId true Get the handle of a focused.. GetFocus Now detach since we got the focused handle AttachThreadInput remoteThreadId currentThreadId false Get the text from the active..

Create an On-screen Keyboard


I use is roughly VK vk VkKeyScanEx c GetKeyboardLayout 0 AttachThreadInput _attachedThredId _attachedProcessId true PostMessage _window.. vk.key 0x1 PostMessage _window WM_KEYUP vk.key 0xC0010001 AttachThreadInput _attachedThredId _attachedProcessId false How should I handle..

SendInput to minimized window


. When you have the thread id you can use the AttachThreadInput function to attach your thread to the other threads input processing...

How to send a string to other application including Microsoft Word


but did not get good results. I used GetForegroundWindow AttachThreadInput uint uint bool and GetFocus functions to send the strings to.. 0 uint currentThreadId GetCurrentThreadId bool b AttachThreadInput remoteThreadId currentThreadId true int focused GetFocus int.. System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.GetLastWin32Error b AttachThreadInput remoteThreadId currentThreadId false SendMessage focused WM_GETTEXT..

Pinvoke SetFocus to a particular control


calling thread id our thread id try bool lRet WindowsAPI.AttachThreadInput myThreadID targetThreadID 1 attach current thread id to target.. hwndChild hwndTarget finally bool lRet WindowsAPI.AttachThreadInput myThreadID targetThreadID 0 detach from foreground window ...so.. focus to a window of a different thread. Google for AttachThreadInput for more info to know the reasons and it's also often associated..