

c# Programming Glossary: attributetargets.field

Bit fields in C#


System namespace BitfieldTest global System.AttributeUsage AttributeTargets.Field AllowMultiple false sealed class BitfieldLengthAttribute Attribute..

Reflection. What can we achieve using it?


shapeName.ToString The attribute class AttributeUsage AttributeTargets.Field public class ShapeDescriptionAttribute Attribute #region Constructor..

Is the DataTypeAttribute validation working in MVC2?


AttributeUsage AttributeTargets.Field AttributeTargets.Property AllowMultiple false public class EmailAddressAttribute..

Get the Enum<T> value Description


type. summary AttributeUsage AttributeTargets.Enum AttributeTargets.Field AllowMultiple false public sealed class EnumDescriptionAttribute..

Why “decimal” is not a valid attribute parameter type?


will not work AttributeUsage AttributeTargets.Property AttributeTargets.Field public class Range Attribute public decimal Max get set public.. While this works AttributeUsage AttributeTargets.Property AttributeTargets.Field public class Range Attribute public double Max get set public..

Clientside Validation in “Self Validate Model” in ASP.NET-MVC3


that implements the IClientValidatable AttributeUsage AttributeTargets.Field AttributeTargets.Property AllowMultiple false Inherited true..

C#: How to Implement and use a NotNull and CanBeNull attribute


AttributeTargets.Property AttributeTargets.Delegate AttributeTargets.Field AllowMultiple false Inherited true NoCodeCoverage public sealed.. AttributeTargets.Property AttributeTargets.Delegate AttributeTargets.Field AllowMultiple false Inherited true NoCodeCoverage public sealed..