

c# Programming Glossary: bindingflags.invokemethod

How to reload an assembly for a .NET Application Domain?


new object 1 Params 0 value myType.InvokeMember myMethod BindingFlags.InvokeMethod null myObject Params unload Application Domain AppDomain.Unload..

Create COM/ActiveXObject in C#, use from JScript, with simple event


onHello null return N A onHello .GetType .InvokeMember BindingFlags.InvokeMethod null onHello new object return ok Compile that all together.. itself and the number 42. onHello .GetType .InvokeMember BindingFlags.InvokeMethod null onHello new object this 42 Then you can get that in jscript..

Difference between Activator.CreateInstance() and typeof(T).InvokeMember() with BindingFlags.CreateInstance


BindingFlags.SetField BindingFlags.GetField BindingFlags.InvokeMethod BindingFlags.Default throw new ArgumentException Environment.GetResourceString..

How do I invoke an extension method using reflection?


var ret typeof List MyObject .InvokeMember Where BindingFlags.InvokeMethod null InstanceList atts public static Func T bool BuildEqFuncFor..

How to invoke scripts work in msHTML


callee.GetType .InvokeMember method BindingFlags.Instance BindingFlags.InvokeMethod BindingFlags.Public null callee args share improve this answer..

How to access Microsoft Word existing instance using late binding


.InvokeMember Version BindingFlags.GetField BindingFlags.InvokeMethod BindingFlags.GetProperty null wordApp null Console.WriteLine..

Invoking methods with optional parameters through reflection


.Invoke BindingFlags.OptionalParamBinding BindingFlags.InvokeMethod BindingFlags.CreateInstance null new object 0 CultureInfo.InvariantCulture..

Does C# .NET support IDispatch late binding?


book books.Add Objet book books.GetType .InvokeMember Add BindingFlags.InvokeMethod null books null Get the worksheets collection. sheets book.Worksheets..

Static Fields in AppDomain


IncrementAndPrint BindingFlags.Static BindingFlags.Public BindingFlags.InvokeMethod null null null class1InAppDomain1.InvokeMember IncrementAndPrint.. IncrementAndPrint BindingFlags.Static BindingFlags.Public BindingFlags.InvokeMethod null null null class1InAppDomain1.InvokeMember IncrementAndPrint.. IncrementAndPrint BindingFlags.Static BindingFlags.Public BindingFlags.InvokeMethod null null null class1InAppDomain2.InvokeMember IncrementAndPrint..

parse and execute JS by C#


try return _dispatch.GetType .InvokeMember methodName BindingFlags.InvokeMethod null _dispatch arguments catch if _engine.Site.LastException..

How to use use late binding to get excel instance?


xlApp.GetType .InvokeMember Version BindingFlags.GetField BindingFlags.InvokeMethod BindingFlags.GetProperty null xlApp null Console.WriteLine..